Born to Breed isn't out yet! We've only just released the demo, but we're hoping to get the full version out some time in the next couple of months.
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Hey, glad you liked it!
As for the scene you're referring to, Born to Breed isn't really romantically focused like that, so I would kind of hesitate to call it NTR. There isn't cheating or anything like that involved. It's more like friends with benefits, but with more feeling.
So I guess it depends on how you define NTR, but I, as someone who's not really into NTR, wouldn't classify it as such.
Now, to actually answer your question. Born to Breed is a (mostly) linear story, and that scene is a part of the story and the natural development of the characters, so it isn't optional.
I hope that helps - sorry it got a bit long!
Honestly, I can't give you a release date yet because it depends on the voice actor's schedule. We've still got a few lines missing, and we can't really release until we have them. I'm hoping for April-ish, but as I don't have control over the voice actor's schedule, it might not be before May.
Glad to hear you're excited, though! Once we've narrowed in on a release date, it'll be posted on our Twitter, and probably on the page here as well.
Until then, we hope you enjoy the demo!
Glad you liked it! I guess you'll have to wait and play the sequel - no spoilers.
As for the meal in the final scene, it wasn't exactly thought through in detail, since the meal itself wasn't plot-critical, but while writing it, I always pictured it as a kind of stew.
Not technically canon, since I might think of something else that works better for storytelling purposes, but something like this is what was in my mind.
Hm, we haven't had any reports like that for Sci-Futa, but I believe someone got an antivirus alert on Benefitship. They're designed to protect you, so they can be a bit overzealous at times.
Unfortunately, I'm not sure we can do a lot about the antivirus popups on our end because there are so many programs and they all work differently; My suggestion is just to whitelist it or ignore the warning, depending on your program.
Sorry about the inconvenience!
Well, that's a bit of a longer conversation.
Proper frame-by-frame animation takes a very long time and is very expensive, so I'm afraid we won't be doing anything like that in the near future. It would at least triple both development time and overall cost, if not more.
A common alternative is Live2D, which we experimented with here in Born to Breed. However, I don't think that look would suit Sulcate's art. It has a tendency to look a stiff and can be kind of distracting. I doubt we'll be doing that either.
That said, it won't be quite like Benefitship 1.
I expect that Benefitship 2 will take more use of dynamic camera movements and sound effects. We've experimented with in Sci-Futa, which released earlier today. I'll probably also try to have more unique CGs (rather than a lot of alts) to help give scenes an extra layer of energy and variety.
I hope that answers your question!
The Android version should look and sound just as good as the desktop version. The APK is a smaller size because we compressed all the audio files to OGG instead of WAV, which is a lot smaller, and it sounds just as good. All our future games will be using OGG files on desktop as well. Most games do.
The images haven't been compressed any differently. They should look exactly the same.
As for JoiPlay, I'm not sure I can do anything about that, since it's a third-party tool, but if you're on Android, you should be able to play Benefitship with the APK at just as high a quality as on PC.
Glad you liked it!
Benefitship has actually been effectively complete from version 1.0. Versions 1.1.0 and 1.2.0 added quality-of-life features and Japanese voice acting respectively.
We're currently working on a sequel, as well as a couple of other games! You can see the other two upcoming games on
For more updates on Benefitship 2, you can follow our X/Twitter, @benefitshipgame.
Sorry, but we aren't really planning to localize to other languages.
The Japanese localization was an exception because Benefitship is loosely inspired by anime and hentai, which are traditionally in Japanese, and we thought it could be fun to have Japanese voice acting.
Localization takes time and money that we'd rather spend making more games, which is our main focus right now.
We appreciate the interest, though!
Hey, sorry you're having issues. I haven't heard of anybody encountering that with us before.
If it's Windows security, you should be able to click "More Info" and then "Run Anyway."
If it's something else - like an anti-malware software such as Malwarebytes - you'll either have to temporarily disable said software or whitelist Benefitship. Unfortunately, that sort of thing is program-specific; You can probably find a tutorial on YouTube.
Hi, we're really glad you liked it! We're currently working on our next game, Born to Breed, with a different artist. The protagonist has a smaller penis in that - we might also do some stuff in the future.
Wherever you'd like to buy it is perfectly fine. We get a slightly bigger cut from Itch, but if you find Steam to be easier for you, please don't hesitate to use that instead.
Hey, we're really glad you enjoyed Benefitship! Quality over quantity is very much what we were aiming for (although I think it would've served well from being a bit longer).
I did all the writing and music myself. I'm technically a programmer, though, so I'm working to improve in both of those areas. The music I made for Benefitship is some of the first I've done, as is most of the game (UI design, marketing, voice directing, and sound engineering is all me too).
We've just started development on a sequel, which you can follow on our Twitter/X/Blusky account, but it'll be a while before it's done. I'm actually bringing in a professional editor to help out on that, since my writing in the first was a bit rough at times. I'm still the only writer, though.
As for how long it took to make, it depends on how you count. We only had one artist (Sulcate) so much of the development time comes from their end. 17 months in total, I believe.
Hope that answers your questions!