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A member registered Mar 17, 2020

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I recommend downloading steam then, it still handles automatic setup of runtime and does it pretty quickly with minimal issues. checking PCGamingWiki can always help to minimize the setup time, they tend to compile all fixes needed to get a game running at peak perfomance

Me: Oooh what a nice character design, lets see what this VN is about with a friend.

my friend: Bunny Family!!!

The Actual Game Plot Happens

Us: Well Damn :( Hope she gets a happy end!

Props to you this VN was fucking GOLD, don't normally like Mystery Novels that go this direction but now you got me looking for what the sequel will be about (Kinda amazing THIS will get a sequel though @.@)

(Now watch as i add a lot of spacebars as spoiler deterrent!)

I honestly did expect this to be a simple mystery VN where Mercredi had to sniff out the killer from the high school grounds and we would get to go through her story with her friends too but DAMN, the rug was pulled with such speed and determination, I feel so bad for her.

Holy shit i fucking hated the ending  in a "this emotionally SUCKED" way ;w; Like its fuckign brilliant but mAN NEITHER COUPLE GOT A HAPPY END OF ANY KIND AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA