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Sounds good! Thank you for the comment :)

Thanks for the clarification. I'll update it in the next version!

Game looks cool, nice assets. You do have too much ammo for the amount of enemies, so it is too easy. The game does have potential!

It takes a little too much time for the balls to stop.

Background music is relaxing, so that's good :)

When trying to dodge, it's almost impossible. I don't know when he will throw a punch and if he does, it's instantly. I don't know when he dies or if he can die. Because the red line at the top won't go down after some punches.

The game definately has potential because it has some fun movement and funny sprites :)

It's broken. I didn't had collision with the candles, but I still died :(
The last level (3 I think) I was gone.

Jumping mechanics were cool

I only saw Boris Bear and it takes a long time for him to get to me. It maybe was a little to easy to get away from him.