I've only gotten 10, anyone knows how to get the other 2?
1. Hana&Semi: The Life of a Cell
2. Hana&Duna: Rival
3. Duna&Semi: Competition in Good Faith
4. Duna True: Priming Water
5. Duna: The Limits of Efforts
6. Hana True: Rebound
7. Hana: The End of Untalent
8. Semi True: Grow Up Girl
9. Semi: A Shadow of Light
10. Harem: You Can't Catch Three Rabbits
Recent community posts
When the game developer says the difficulty is IMPOSSIBLE, they meant it, like drawing only 3 cards I was overwhelmed with the population growth in the late game. The End-Game project is so expensive, I think I wasted like 50 turns to farm the money and influence, and there it came the first useful thing to buy jewelries, because my influence income is in the negatives. I almost lost because of that, and at the last moment I sold almost everything and finally completed the end-game project.
Trust me, if your influence is in the positive, always sell influence for money.
And I think you misread the card or something, there are 3 donation cards that gives you money for influence (small = 10, common = 20, generous = 40) like their exchange rate is 1:1(unless in hard/impossible), I don't know any card that has worse exchange rate than the influence overflow.
I always use these red donation cards when I draw them. Due to this, I was very rich (300+ money) in normal, hard, and mid-game impossible mode. And with good water carrier placing, my influence never made it to negative in normal and hard mode.
Seriously? If you keep running out of money, trade influence for income and money, don't buy jewelries, NEVER buy jewelries(BLUE card), it's a scam. For projects, keep 1 foremen and balance out the others, scribes only used on projects rarely, only some projects that uses 2 or more when the game introduces you the scribe. For predicting what cards will come out, well you can hover the discard pile. For placing the water carriers like you need to learn to maximize your placing and learn to sacrifice an angry house for other houses.
I honestly find the game quite easy on normal, maybe because I've played some management games before, I completed normal on 126 turns and got the achievement to complete the game before 150 turns. So, I think your management is a bit lacking, try to be patient and learn how each action contributes to what event comes after
I Love this game so much. I managed to win using different armies like Pure Heavy Attackers with Healers, Pure Ranged with Meat Shield in front, Buff and Curses Combo, mix and match, and I think the hardest one is the Summoner combo. Summoner combo like you need to get lucky with skulls, rats, bards, purple necromancers, and the funny bone item (and the rock star dude in addition for late game).
The Summoner combo is my favorite although there is a case when there is not enough space it wont summon all what it's supposed to summon. Thankfully I was lucky enough to get this army and the rare win screen.