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A member registered Feb 18, 2023 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

Since everyone seems to be saying that the last level is impossible, here's the entire game beaten without a single death:

Here's the 1 attempt run btw

Glad you liked it!

Thanks for the positive words! That jump in your screenshot is definitely possible, as I beat the whole game without dieing. Are you playing above 60fps possibly? There is a bug related to fps and gravity.

Thanks for the feedback!  Is there a chance you were playing above 60fps?  I've had a few people tell me that the jump height is inconsistent, leading to  frame perfect timings in some situations.

Thanks for playing, and I'm glad you liked it! 

5/5 on the audio

Thanks for the feedback!  This was submitted for a game jam and unfortunately I ran out of time for stuff like music, textures, and other polish, but I certainly learned a lot. 

I appreciate the feedback!  I did my best to stuff as much quality content as I could in these 5 days of the jam, though I do think a few of the levels could be improved.