idk how to say this without sounding overly cheesy but omfg i literally look forward to the games you guys make literally EVERY year !!!!!!!!!! the obsession started with i cant believe the most popular etc etc and idk ive been here ever since??? i dont roam around itchio as much as i used to but i always remember to check your page out every yuri jam to see if you released something new and U NEVER DISAPPOINTTTTTTTTTTT
unironically no matter what you decide to do with your game dev plans i will genuinely be forever cherishing the games you have made and may make in the future like the plots are genuinely so stupidly funny and the dialogue has this corny ass charm to it that im absolutely head over heels in love with and the art is really cute LIKE IDK WHAT YOUR TEAM PUTS IN THESE GAMES BUT IA M SOBBING ON THE FLOOR UNCONTROLLABLY
if teamANPIM has a million fans then i am one of them. if teamANPIM has ten fans then i am one of them. if team ANPIM has only one fan then that is me. if teamANPIM has no fans then i am DEAD. IF THE WORLD IS AGAINST TEAMANPIM THEN I AM AGAINST THE WORLD
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managed to snatch the game up a while ago, unfortunately forgot to leave a comment when i first finished it so here i am! without trying to sugar-coat it too much, i think it honestly lived up to my expectations, like, although relatively short (or maybe thats just what it seems like), id like to say you were able to piece together a fun and interesting story with enjoyable characters with chemistry and amusing banter between them. sage was definitely my favourite, ill have to say, i think she manages to give off that golden retriever gf vibe which is what id assume you were trying to go after, and honest to god she seems so very huggable
also really enjoyed the art (sage's grin in that car scene just awkukjkfjaewgjwejkwef shes the cutest) and those little pictures in the credits were a great little detail to take a look at while the game was coming to a close and, overall, i have to say i really liked forget-me-not. im looking forward to any new productions of yours if you guys are still making games! have a good one!
You can go through the starting options with the up and down arrow keys and select things with the enter key. If you go in the options you'll see a CONTROLS section. Press enter on that and you'll be able to see all the keyboard keybindings and if you wanna change them you can go down to the AUTO CONFIG section and press enter which will allow you to change them but basically the keybindings are:
Gas: Z
Brake: X
Look Back: C
Drift: Space
(To move around with the car you use the left and right arrow keys)
I really liked the game, it was pretty smooth and nicely made, especially for game which was made in just one month. the sprites were really nice too, i enjoyed how they depicted how the characters felt :D
just a quick question though, i've been playing the game for a bit and i've managed to get 2 endings, the good and bad one but i can't exactly figure how to get the third ending which i'm gonna suppose is the good one so might i know how to actually get it? I'm quite curious as to what it'll be to be honest