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A member registered 54 days ago · View creator page →

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It's the complete opposite of "fish are friends not food" xD Very nice game. 

The art and the athmosphere is beautiful and it makes it feel like you're in a dream :)

Thank you :)

I'm so happy you managed to make it  to the end :D (I'm sorry for the anticlimatic end screen). 

Yeah I don't understand what happened to the retry button in the end, but I am planning on fixing it xD 

I made it so you had to find all the mistakes, I think 15, but I realize afterwards that some might not make any sense or be very hard to find. Also were I come from we sometimes use Tellus as an alternate  word for Earth, but i didn't think about the fact that it might not be normal elsewhere. :)

Thank you for feedback :) I'm also not a native English speaker so that might be the reason some things don't make sense xD

I'm so happy you liked it! :D I thought about it afterwards that some of the "wrong facts" might be a little hard but I am planing on fixing it in the future and make everything better :)

Thank you for feedback :D I was actually going back and forth on the text following the player so this is super helpful!