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A member registered Jul 23, 2016

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as you can see not even kidding, framed and on my wall, i will always love this picture to bits!

LOL yes im lovelessbutterfly (my internet names are always lovelessbutterfly or reisuke or little-reisuke depending on what strikes my fancy when i join a website and whats not already taken LOL) and i still have the pic of akira in a frame... and the one of sai and kuragi LOL!

and shes a doll faceup artist so she paints the faces of dolls, im not sure how she is as a regular artist LOL but heres her webpage for her faceups so if you want you can look over the gallery and see what she does although i know her as dominique on facebook. XP (also four of the heads and four of the fantasy parts shown in her gallery ATM are actually my dolls, just felt like bragging for a sec LOL!)

oh man, dont be surprised if this VN becomes super popular in the ball joint doll community now LOL, i shared it to my facebook and a VERY well-known and popular faceup artist fell in love with it and is spreading it all over... also someone recently asked if anyone had art of their dolls and i posted the picture of akira you drew for me... needless to say ive noticed several ball joint doll people suddenly mentioning the name 'crimson chains'... you have been warned!

OMG Lucifine is so cute, and the heartwarming ending had me squeeing like you wouldnt believe although the babe's conflicted emotions ending was kinda funny too LOL, i cant wait for this game, gimme the kickstarter already!