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A member registered Jul 04, 2020 · View creator page →

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Think I got it, so I downloaded it to another computer, Zipped the file, put it to my google drive then downloaded it to my pc from there...I think bit defender didnt like the fact that a .js was downloaded and must have done something to the file.

also on thing I can try is removing the plugin and readd it, when I updated the plugin I copied it over and hit refresh, maybe something hung up there too. I'll report back. Thanks

I'll give that a ago. I'll do it from my laptop when I get home on another device too just to be sure. 

When I am trying to make a backup of my project, I get this error message.  When I  copy anyway and play a test battle, when the block happens it gives an error about cant read the value of 1 or something like that and crashes. 

you got it done before my game was done so no foul lol

I been messing with it and so far so good!  Battles just look so much more natural now :)

I'll give it some good testing  over the next bit and keep ya updated! This def can add life to battles , I am super excited! For dragonbones, most of the battlers i have dont even have a defensive stance so I  wouldnt even worry about it lol. 

hmm, well I would guess all the animated battlers have the <Sideview Battler:name> tag not sure if you could do something with that. 

Been a few months, any update to this where the enemies do the block motion?

I had a good time with it!  An easy to pick up and  play game, with interesting dialogue and scenario.  For a quick game jam game, it hits the interesting enough spot for me. 

New trailer!

hey there, yes  most people who use the engine rpg maker mz uses this size , its a pretty popular engine and unique tilesets like this one would do well I think. 

is there any chance this would come in a 48x48 set 

glad you liked it!   things really pick up  once you get out of the beginning area! if you play more be sure to let me know how it goes!

oh yea i trust it but  the playtesting folks brought it up 

This works great but it when active it flags some pcs antivirus as being malicious :( 

Yes it creates a file in the root of the project to show its been accepted. It seems like new files cant be created to the root of the project. I left  the  save plugin parameters at defaults where it creates a save file in the user data folder in the root project.  I am at work but i can send a screenshot when I get home tonight.

One issue is I use an  user agreement plugin, that needs to create a license file to show acceptance of the  agreement, and  when this is active, it cannot create that file, and the second issue I have is even with the save game handler when deployed it does  not allow the saving/loading of games.  It works perfectly during game test but after deployment not so much. I wonder if I am just missing something, any insight would be appreciated. 

Demo updated again! lol  


WAs interested in this but i see this person dont respond to comments so the plugin is probably not updated or has support 

error may be caused by a preloader plugin hmmm

When  I use this   now I  get a Uncaught Error Malformed UTF-8 data

Demo updated

I was having an issue where I wanted the attack to perform a range attack for ranged characters...spent a lot of time working on it...then i noticed i had this plugin for a almost half a year now...solved my issue in a minute lol.Thanks! money well spent lol

Ok yep, found that setting and set it to  none/0 and  fixed issue. thanks

hello, I updated to the R3 version of this, and I get this  error . I am not sure if it affects me any, seems to be working just fine currently. This was during a test battle.

Oh  I guess this is why mine doesnt work, use Elibook as well for some must have functions so I wont be able to use this it seems sigh.

fine....take my money

I saw this in passing , and figured id give it a try, you know what I played the first set of stages and I really did have a good time. When I get more time I will def check it out more.  

hmm for some reason when I  change the color codes, it just stay s white, It may have something to do with another plugin i  have ( a good bit of visustellas) Ill keep messing with it.

yep,  def can see this being super handy!

One thing I notice so far is that if you run an event using parallel or autorun, it causes the eventing to get kinda wonky but it works perfectly if you  " interact to start" an event tho.

Had to update demo this morning. 

Hey, I  posted the   Google Drive link to the demo!

you are covered in awesomesauce!   total win for the community!

One more thing, so I  notice for events that are invisible ( due to  an event condition not being met yet) the balloons still show up before the event shows up on the map.

understandable! :) best of wishes! 

hey just checking in if there was any provision added to get the animated enemies to request a motion