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A member registered Nov 09, 2019 · View creator page →

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These are probably just not updating when changing res, a restart should fix it.
Will fix in the next update, thank you!

(1 edit)

Any animals nearby will walk with you, yes. You can also use this to move animals between edges of maps.

Thank you so much for the comments, it's really appreciated. :D Yes, I am still working on this. I have an update coming soon (1.2.1) with some small additions and bug fixes.

EDIT: I was testing around and figured the Foodmix actually had a bug where animals would not follow properly. This will be fixed in the next patch, which should be available in a short time.

Hi, and thanks for playing! You only need to keep it in an inventory slot to attract animals.

Multiple languages might get implemented in the feature, but it's not a focus at the moment.

I am guessing you mean how to change your in-game skin, you need to build a Dresser and use it to get a new random skin. There is no way to have custom skins at the moment.

If there is a feature you would like to see in the game, changes to already existing stuff / systems..etc. - post it here as a reply!

(1 edit)

Faraway: Bug Reports

If you've found a bug in Faraway, this will be the right place to report it!

Step 1: Please format your report like this:

  1. Version of the game
  2. Description of the bug
  3. What were you doing before the bug happened / How to replicate the bug
  4. (optional) Savefile, if possible. This can also be mailed to me if you do not want to share it.

Step 2: Post the report in the thread as a reply here.

Thank you so much!

Windows savefile location:
LocalAppData > AGKApps > Faraway

Mac savefile location (Library is a hidden folder):
(your username) > Library > Application Support > Faraway

Great work, I keep coming back to play some rounds occasionally. Music and sound addition was nice as well!

Addicting game, great spooky vibe. Hope to see this game progress in the future further from the jam! Had a little bug when I tried to change difficulty while playing and I couldn't progress further, but then the autosave saved the day (no pun intended). Great work!  

The gameplay is very fun. I never thought I would stress during inventory management! Great job! Also, the spooky ambience and music in the game is really great, and really sets the scene.

Addicting and fun little game, I really like the way you used the text-limit so creatively. 

Hmm, interesting. Right click open for me (Ventura right now), gives me this (the 2 is because I had to redownload to get the prompt again):

You can right-click the file on macOS and press open, and then press "open" in the prompt that appears to bypass the "this app is unsafe" prompt.

Love the concept & the gameplay, it's very fun.

Are you only supposed to be zooming in one place when using the scroll wheel?

It's a bit hard to see the things you are buying, wish there were an info box or something when you hover over them, with what type of defence they give, if they shoot or not etc.

The heartbeat sound should have some low-end taken away from it (EQ) , it becomes annoying for the ears after a while, because the "bass" in the beat is so low in frequency.

Started to stutter with heavy lag on level four, to the point it being unplayable. (running Brave Browser)


Do you have a feature you would like to see in the game? Is there a change you want to suggest / request? Is there ways I can make this game better? Then you've come to the right place!

Format it like this:

  1. Feature summary / Change summary
  2. Full description of the feature / change (if necessary)
  3. Name to be credited as if the feature gets implemented.

And post it as a reply here. 

Thanks a bunch,

Distant Lands community · Created a new topic Bug reports


If you are one of the people who downloaded the game, played it for a while and found a bug you wanted to report.. well you've come to the right place!

Please format your report like this:

  1. Version of the game
  2. Description of the bug
  3. What were you doing before the bug happened / How to replicate the bug

And then reply with the bug report in this thread here.

Thanks so much,