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A member registered Mar 11, 2022 · View creator page →

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Oh ok... thats concerning, i will tell the dev in discord about it.

where is the softlock? just leave the island, power up, and come back.

Okay,  then give us the SaveFile and a screenshot so we can send it to the dev, would be better if you personally joined the discord and reported it to the dev your self.

why would you say that? The button is right there.

"115 days ago"
Thanks Quartzdragonfire! you were as quick as the lighting strikes the earth! xD

did mommy forget to give you the pacifier? lol

i like your hopes (except the part where you mentioned furries)

but sadly... no interspecies, its either Humanoids or Parasites, Your chances are higher if you ask for mythical creatures like Dwarves and Elves.

the one near Noer city, the other one doesn't adopt babies.

Reload the map, enter and leave, did you just update the game?

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1- You must do the Catacomb quest with Cocona present.
2- in the end of the dungeon there is a friendly skeleton, who will not attack you, if you talk to it with Cocona present and DO NOT ATTACK THE FRIENDLY SKELETON!
3- this should be it, a little story will roll and you will get the idol of the believer.

the fandom wiki is pretty spot on and it also has images, you should refer to it, but the missing point from there is that you shouldn't kill the friendly skeleton.

Edit: nvm it does say that you shouldn't kill the skeleton.

i kinda agree but thats probably not gonna happen.
Orkinds aren't really friendly, they merely hold females to preserve them, and eat males.
the fact that you can "Talk" with orkinds is way out of context with the game's story, lol.

im not sure if i understand your post correctly...
but i recall that Divine trait doesn't give anything, but it allows you to equip Divine tools, they can be found in certain areas in the island or can be bought from the church.

its not an official community page, we aren't even associated with them.

+Vk is banned from more than multiple countries(even russia friendly countries) for many reasons, each one of them is enough for censoreship, lol.
+Russians can get LonaRPG permanently from if you buy the OneTime purchase.

Sure if every site stopped banning LonaRPG, lol.
Luckily for you, its possible for russians to get LonaRPG permanently from

Nop, you probably did something weird or maybe the game is modded.
you didn't give any clues to why thats happening so i can't assume.

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come on, i doubt anyone would use a foreign MTL when there is an official one that you can download for free (:

Ok good, now use it, and then go ingame and switch language to MTL.
with all honesty, you can just use ENG... your MTL is probably just way too outdated.

have you also reloaded the map? (AKA  leave and enter again)
also what kind of mods did you have? because some mods are purely visual and doesn't affect the game at all, completely safe, meanwhile some mods can be quite destructive.

Please include the original artist's name if the art doesn't belong to you, Preferably with the source aswell.

You should probably give us more details on how you got that dialog.
You may report this in the discord bug report channel but... i can see that you have atleast 2 or more mods, which make things difficult to diagnose, Try what you are doing again without mods.
this area is accessible and should display an event where the guard will ask you "Are you a merc or a whore?"

Whenever you see "Todo" means this will be added or completed later, so yea, ToDo = Soon

Your welcome!

Don't change anything, just pick the "Game.exe"

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do as it says ):

yep, the island has no hero, it was supposed to be the Saint(that statue in every church) but he ded.
and Lona is not a hero at all, with the island's very corrupt state, heros can't rise.

but Who knows? maybe the game has a good ending in the future :D
For now, the best ending is to escape this doomed island.

There is no "Actual" ending, the ending basically lists the amount of rememberable actions you did in the world, this also includes Rebirthing, Rebirthing is considered a "Good ending" but its actually nothing more than 2 parts in the beginning and the ending (Lona managed to escape! + Lona died from age as a virgin/not virgin).
just like how clearing many goblin quests will add also another part to the ending where the world had more peaceful moments.

TLDR: The ending is a collection of your good deeds, there is no specific ending routes.

i think he meant HitchHiker makes it less likely to get an encounter, which makes the Preacher's encounter less likely to appear aswell.

You don't have to kill them, There is a package in one of the houses, just steal it and run away, deliver it to the Happy Merchant.

his whole place is not complete yet, so yea Wait for it.

its absolutely not that simple.
But i verily agree with your idea! we got some things to see in her back.

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Your ideas would work in a world where peace was an option, lol.
Deepones: these fishes enjoy doing this, a female doesn't have the privilege to do such thing, she is another sow who needs her hole expanded.
Goblins: same thing, except goblins are even more keen to not let females have their fun, as Scared and Despairful females is a fetish to goblins.
Abomination: Check their ending, they don't need a female to defend them, they just need to breed females as fast as humanly possible before their female sows decay. (Edit: the brain parasite thing didn't make sense tbh)
Woodson: mmmmaybe? They sustained them selves enough, they also have farming skills, but they have horrible parenting/housecare skills, just look at their son.
Snowflake: he is too mentally unstable and doesn't know how to spend money well, i don't see a universe where he can be a good husband, Did you check his basement?
Bobo: he already has his good ending, but yea maybe we need more "kind" bandits huh? xD
Church: sounds pretty good ngl.

keep in mind that the economy and survivability of Noer island is crumbling, there is no place for a Street Rat like Lona to be desired, the game design is made to be torturous and you have to escape it all, No comfort.
With all that said, i like your ideas lmao.

Join the discord group, there is a channel dedicated for translation, there is already a translator doing the work But you can help cooperate with them to speedup the progress :D

there isn't a specific soundtrack for the game, its hand picked from multiple other music artists.
Although you can find them in the game files, go to "LonaRPG\Audio\BGM"

i just understood what JCB mean, sorry :p

Try Fanbox, You should be able to buy using it.

whats that?

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How did this topic get pumped up

Oh yea, its unlikely that the game will go away, but if that ever happened, then yes, Dev wouldn't be able to update the game because he would lose access, and you wouldn't be able to download it because it would be banned.
Although even then, the dev still have alternatives to sell the game such as Fanbox and SubscribeStar, those who lost access to the game can contact the dev, he will verify your purchase(if you made one) and will give you a redeem code from the other sites, if you really want to be extra careful Then join the discord group found in a zip file you can download after you purchase the game(its called

With all that said, Put your mind at rest, the game is not in any risk of getting banned.