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A member registered Aug 31, 2021

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Thanks so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it. ^_^

This was really enjoyable and well-put together. The characters are adorable and the story is good so far. The character expressions and story-set up pulled me right in and got me invested. The music and voice acting are also very well done. Besides a few UI issues the only truly jarring part of the experience for me were the backgrounds -  in my opinion they do not match the sprite style and gave me a strong feeling of visual dissonance. Perhaps a stronger artistic filter and/or paintover on the backgrounds could alleviate this issue. Overall I thought this demo was a great achievement considering the time constraints of the jam. Well done!! I'm looking forward to the full version.

Awww, that's super sweet of you to say! Thank you! ^_^

Thank you, we're so glad to hear you enjoyed the gameplay and characters!! And thanks for sharing you playthrough. ^_^ Hope you enjoy the main game, too.

So glad you enjoyed it!! Thanks for sharing your play through. ^_^

Wow, I'm so glad you enjoyed the game! And so pleased that you liked the battle system and the art style. ^_^ Thank you for the vote of confidence, that is so uplifting for us. Good luck to you, too!

This game is cute, clever, and heartwarming - the standout feature is the gorgeous art. It's definitely clear that extra care and love was poured into this - especially the near the end. I was surprised and delighted by all the unique illustrations! Definitely made me curious to try Lovewood.