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A member registered Jan 14, 2021

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(1 edit)

This game is a fantastic improvement above the original, with some great homages to it as well. 

If I had some nitpicks, however, it would be the inability to drag and drop sort your truck's chest.  Any chance for this UX improvement? Also, the ammo counter only goes up to 99 in the UI, but the game appears to be keeping track of additional ammo as I have seen this number not go down when using ammo for which I have collected more than 99. Perhaps this should be capped, or raise the display value above 99?

Finally, it would be great if some items which can never be used again, such as the empty gas cans, just auto-deleted from your inventory or chest, but that's an issue that a manually sortable truck chest could allow players to organize for themselves.

This game is very promising and I'm happy to see it making good progress.

I would like to report a... bug? Perhaps unintended behavior? You can get a desk between you and Saiko-chan to keep a reasonable distance between the two of you when you're "dating her". As such, if you're low on health, and she tries to offer you health, the AI will swiftly do its "running away checks" before you have the chance to remedy the situation, and immediately move to "I've been rejected" prompting a personality switch.

Maybe make her attempt to run around objects first, and only have her register as being "rejected" if the player physically moves away from her by reading player inputs rather than simply checking the distance.