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Red River Farms

A member registered Feb 03, 2023

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All good man! Keep up the good work brother!

(1 edit)

What all did you update on her man?

Thats killer man! Looking forward to running this.

Sounds good brother! Appreciate the updates to it. Keeps me from having to do it. hahaha XD 

Dont mean to sound impatient brother, but I dont see a download link for it

Minty! Lets goooo!

Thanks DJ, I didnt have it but added it anyway, Wanted to get the maps, both versions, full potential. Love it man! Its killer! Far superior to even the FS19 one we had! Keep it up my friend!

So is the all of Autodrive stuff inculding Autodrive itself necessary for the map to function?  i ask beacause if it is game breaking without it then I will use it.