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A member registered Apr 04, 2022 · View creator page →

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aqui mismo o en el discord

i dont know... maybe


por favor pasame un screenshot de los errores

yo soy de colombia bro, jajaja


you need to copy your saves in the game folder before installing a new update

buy the bikini and ask her on a date on the beach

it will be released in may 1

dale cerveza

en abril

la publico en abril

salio en mi patreon

i update the game every 2 months

en 2 meses como siempre

en marzo

yes it will be fixed on next update

is a bug

characters are made by me on the game, koikatsu

thats a bug i cant solution yet

you need to go to work and have sex with maggie until maya discovers you

on internet, on

try dont going to toilet in the same day you do this mision

Just advance on the story to raise your relationship status

Fetishes?? ammm... i just do H scenes, dont spect weird things

La actu llega en 20 dias

Buenas mi estimado, muchas gracias por su apoyo, muestro mi mas sincera gratitud por sus palabras y mis mas sinceros pesames por la situacion economica latinoamericana, un abrazo!

como? cuales escenas?



probably is damaged, try to redownload the game, and your on android or pc?

i dont think so, at least for now

nope, sorry i dont think so

(1 edit)

rei is the protagonist of my other game, reckless love, go and check it!

1 month

im planning that for wolf complex 2

nope at the moment she only appears on the house, you can talk to her, and she can interrump you when having sex with maggie, nothing more

reload a save it got bugged

wtf como hiciste eso?

si, todavia no esta implementado