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A member registered Aug 09, 2022 · View creator page →

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I plan to complete the game when I have a little more free time, there are some things I would like to add to it

hahaha yes, I noticed that mistake but due to lack of time and knowledge I didn't manage to fix it. :C 

I loved Gdevelop, being able to make my first video game with such simplicity was great for me.

Thank you very much.

Yes, I wanted to add more details like particles, animations and more variety of fruits and obstacles, but I was a little busy. Although I have the ideas written down to maybe publish it complete.

Thank you so much! ✨

It's my first videogame, Gdevelop gave me an incredible opportunity to create a game without knowing how to program. It was a challenge and a fun and motivating experience for me. 

This is only a prototype of 1 level, I hope to receive your criticism about the game to improve and complete it.