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A member registered Jul 03, 2020

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She's running towards her freedom with open arms but just as she gets to the light she is pulled back into the shadows. 

Name: Katie (3)

Age: 29

Sanity: Completely gone.

Story: Even though the murder of her boyfriend was ruled as self defence, guilt consumed her. She began talking to herself and loosing her self in the middle of a conversation. Concerned, her friends asked from a help of a doctor. The suggestion of therapy didn't work then they went to more extreme methods and put her in asylum. She's been in there for 4 years, rocking in a corner and pulling out her hair talking to herself. Recovery look unlikely...

Red, red, red. All she see's is red. There's blood everywhere but it's not her's. It's his...

Name: Katie (2)

Age: 25

Sanity: Almost none

Story: It happened. She snapped. One day, when her boyfriend was drunk, he grabbed a smashed glass and shoved it up against her neck. Something changed within her. She grabbed his hand, pointed it in his direction and shoved the glass in his neck. Not stopping there she continually beat him to the ground. It happened. She did it... She killed him. Is this her door to freedom?

Bruises. All she's ever seen is bruises. Abuse is not uncommon her, but she can hide her pain pretty well. Surely, fake smiling will only last for so long...

Name: Katie (1)

Age: 24

Sanity: Still there

Story: Although she's abused by her boyfriend she still holds up a smile. She's an expert at hiding bruises and marks but not her tears... For 6 years she has put up with his verbal and physical torment. Little does he know his abuse is driving her to the brink of insanity...

Year 6XXX

 The humans destroyed Earth in every way possible. To hide from the sad reality that they themselves built, they began to dig their own pit in search of more wonderful lies. With thousands of bombing and endless and meaningless wars, a portal was sculpted by our own choices, teleporting thousands of planets and universes full of life and mystical beings causing them to get lost in time. The portal disappeared and, with that, the apocalypse arrived and all the races of beings begin to fight for their own lives to the point that they can return to their worlds and escape from this eternal nightmare. While fighting time and themselves , few see the real future reserved for Earth: The complete destruction of all beings and life that inhabit it. 

The world is no longer the same, who really deserves to live? What is the purpose of all this?

Name: Sour Drops

Age: 16

Race: Candy

World: Candy Land (So creative, right)

Personality Traits: Misunderstood, shy, only liked by Marshmellow 

Favourite Weapon: Her sour darts to stun enemies

Favourite Food: Sugar

Favourite Song: IT is the end - Ice Nine Kills

Favourite Hobby: Drawing

Friends: Marshmellow

Group: Sweet Jar

Quotes: "Um, guys? *They ignore her* Guys?... GUYS! *They finally reply* Enemies heading straight towards us!", "You know, just because I'm sour, doesn't mean I'm mean...", "Here we go again..."

Year 6XXX

 The humans destroyed Earth in every way possible. To hide from the sad reality that they themselves built, they began to dig their own pit in search of more wonderful lies. With thousands of bombing and endless and meaningless wars, a portal was sculpted by our own choices, teleporting thousands of planets and universes full of life and mystical beings causing them to get lost in time. The portal disappeared and, with that, the apocalypse arrived and all the races of beings begin to fight for their own lives to the point that they can return to their worlds and escape from this eternal nightmare. While fighting time and themselves , few see the real future reserved for Earth: The complete destruction of all beings and life that inhabit it. 

The world is no longer the same, who really deserves to live? What is the purpose of all this?

Name: Bubblegum

Age: 31

Race: Candy

World: Candy Land (So creative, right)

Personality Traits: Kinda annoying, loud

Favourite Weapon: Her trap bubbles

Favourite Food: Syrup

Favourite Song: Candy man - Aubrey Woods

Favourite Hobby: Blowing bubblea

Friends: Marshmellow, Cupcake, Bubblegum, Chocolate

Group: Sweet Jar

Quotes: "WOW!", "HEY! I wanna see!", "Guyyyyys! I'm BORED!", "Come at me"

Year 6XXX

 The humans destroyed Earth in every way possible. To hide from the sad reality that they themselves built, they began to dig their own pit in search of more wonderful lies. With thousands of bombing and endless and meaningless wars, a portal was sculpted by our own choices, teleporting thousands of planets and universes full of life and mystical beings causing them to get lost in time. The portal disappeared and, with that, the apocalypse arrived and all the races of beings begin to fight for their own lives to the point that they can return to their worlds and escape from this eternal nightmare. While fighting time and themselves , few see the real future reserved for Earth: The complete destruction of all beings and life that inhabit it. 

The world is no longer the same, who really deserves to live? What is the purpose of all this?

Name: Marshmellow

Age: 19

Race: Candy

World: Candy Land (So creative, right)

Personality Traits: Literally loves everyone, not the smartest, adorable

Favourite Weapon: Her sticky skin which gets enemies caught 

Favourite Food: Crackers

Favourite Song: Candy man - Aubrey Woods

Favourite Hobby: Talking

Friends: Marshmellow, Cupcake, Bubblegum, Chocolate, Sour Drops

Group: Sweet Jar

Quotes: "I love you guys!", "Gimme a hug!", "It's so cute!", "Yay! Omg I'm so excited!"

Year 6XXX

 The humans destroyed Earth in every way possible. To hide from the sad reality that they themselves built, they began to dig their own pit in search of more wonderful lies. With thousands of bombing and endless and meaningless wars, a portal was sculpted by our own choices, teleporting thousands of planets and universes full of life and mystical beings causing them to get lost in time. The portal disappeared and, with that, the apocalypse arrived and all the races of beings begin to fight for their own lives to the point that they can return to their worlds and escape from this eternal nightmare. While fighting time and themselves , few see the real future reserved for Earth: The complete destruction of all beings and life that inhabit it. 

The world is no longer the same, who really deserves to live? What is the purpose of all this?

Name: Mint Swirl

Age: 27

Race: Candy

World: Candy Land (So creative, right)

Personality Traits: Kind, sensitive, positive

Favourite Weapon: Her scent that temporarily blind enemies

Favourite Food: Pancakes

Favourite Song: Candy man - Aubrey Woods

Favourite Hobby: Listening to music

Friends: Marshmellow, Cupcake, Bubblegum, Chocolate

Group: Sweet Jar

Quotes: "Mama told me what I should know... too much candies gonna rot your soul", "Hey, wanna smell me?", "Don't cry, Don't cry... I don't wanna stick face for my next fight...", "Chocolate! You're melting everywhere!!"

(2 edits)

Year 6XXX 

The humans destroyed Earth in every way possible. To hide from the sad reality that they themselves built, they began to dig their own pit in search of more wonderful lies. With thousands of bombing and endless and meaningless wars, a portal was sculpted by our own choices, teleporting thousands of planets and universes full of life and mystical beings causing them to get lost in time. The portal disappeared and, with that, the apocalypse arrived and all the races of beings begin to fight for their own lives to the point that they can return to their worlds and escape from this eternal nightmare. While fighting time and themselves , few see the real future reserved for Earth: The complete destruction of all beings and life that inhabit it.

The world is no longer the same, who really deserves to live? What is the purpose of all this? 

Name: Chocolate

Age: 27

Race: Candy

World: Candy Land (So creative, right)

Personality Traits: Crackhead, crazy, always on a massive sugar rush

Favourite Weapon: Her chocolate spit that freezes solid on impact

Favourite Food: Marshmellows

Favourite Song: Candy man - Aubrey Woods

Favourite Hobby: Making people laugh

Friends: Marshmellow, Cupcake, Bubblegum, Mint Swirl

Group: Sweet Jar

Quotes: "Ooo! Ooo! Can I do it?", "Heyoo!", "Awe, I wanted to do it", "Do you like my chocolate sculpture? *Whispers* There's a human underneath it."

Year 6XXX 

The humans destroyed Earth in every way possible. To hide from the sad reality that they themselves built, they began to dig their own pit in search of more wonderful lies. With thousands of bombing and endless and meaningless wars, a portal was sculpted by our own choices, teleporting thousands of planets and universes full of life and mystical beings causing them to get lost in time. The portal disappeared and, with that, the apocalypse arrived and all the races of beings begin to fight for their own lives to the point that they can return to their worlds and escape from this eternal nightmare. While fighting time and themselves , few see the real future reserved for Earth: The complete destruction of all beings and life that inhabit it.

The world is no longer the same, who really deserves to live? What is the purpose of all this? 

Name: Scarlet

Age: 10

Race: Doll

World: Porceland (Get it?)

Personality Traits: Driven to madness, control freak, aggressive 

Favourite Weapon: Hand grenades

Favourite Food: Fried rattlesnake

Favourite Song: "Doesn't have time to listen to stupid music"

Favourite Hobby: Killing

Friends: Azure, Amber, Rose

Group: The China Quadruplets

Quotes: "Can I kill them now?", "SHUT UP!", "Oh my god, go away!", "Screw this!"

Year 6XXX 

The humans destroyed Earth in every way possible. To hide from the sad reality that they themselves built, they began to dig their own pit in search of more wonderful lies. With thousands of bombing and endless and meaningless wars, a portal was sculpted by our own choices, teleporting thousands of planets and universes full of life and mystical beings causing them to get lost in time. The portal disappeared and, with that, the apocalypse arrived and all the races of beings begin to fight for their own lives to the point that they can return to their worlds and escape from this eternal nightmare. While fighting time and themselves , few see the real future reserved for Earth: The complete destruction of all beings and life that inhabit it.

The world is no longer the same, who really deserves to live? What is the purpose of all this? 

Name: Azure

Age: 10

Race: Doll

World: Porceland (Get it?)

Personality Traits: Sensible, calm, peaceful 

Favourite Weapon: Axes

Favourite Food: French fries

Favourite Song: Like whoa - Aly and AJ

Favourite Hobby: Gardening

Friends: Scarlet, Amber, Rose

Group: The China Quadruplets

Quotes: "What the...", "Oh my God, No!", "Stay calm, stay calm, stay calm, stay calm... screw it", "Are you good?"

Year 6XXX 

The humans destroyed Earth in every way possible. To hide from the sad reality that they themselves built, they began to dig their own pit in search of more wonderful lies. With thousands of bombing and endless and meaningless wars, a portal was sculpted by our own choices, teleporting thousands of planets and universes full of life and mystical beings causing them to get lost in time. The portal disappeared and, with that, the apocalypse arrived and all the races of beings begin to fight for their own lives to the point that they can return to their worlds and escape from this eternal nightmare. While fighting time and themselves , few see the real future reserved for Earth: The complete destruction of all beings and life that inhabit it.

The world is no longer the same, who really deserves to live? What is the purpose of all this? 

Name: Amber

Age: 10

Race: Doll

World: Porceland (Get it?)

Personality Traits: Full of energy, excitable, gets hopes up easily

Favourite Weapon: Steaks

Favourite Food: Yogurt

Favourite Song: Perfect day - Hoku

Favourite Hobby: Knitting

Friends: Scarlet, Azure, Rose

Group: The China Quadruplets

Quotes: "Oh my doll maker!", "Can we? Can we? Can we?", "Oh please!", "Whoa whoa whoa... What?!"

(1 edit)

Year 6XXX 

The humans destroyed Earth in every way possible. To hide from the sad reality that they themselves built, they began to dig their own pit in search of more wonderful lies. With thousands of bombing and endless and meaningless wars, a portal was sculpted by our own choices, teleporting thousands of planets and universes full of life and mystical beings causing them to get lost in time. The portal disappeared and, with that, the apocalypse arrived and all the races of beings begin to fight for their own lives to the point that they can return to their worlds and escape from this eternal nightmare. While fighting time and themselves , few see the real future reserved for Earth: The complete destruction of all beings and life that inhabit it.

The world is no longer the same, who really deserves to live? What is the purpose of all this? 

Name: Rose

Age: 10

Race: Doll

World: Porceland (Get it?)

Personality Traits: Kind, reasonable, rational

Favourite Weapon: Spears

Favourite Food: Dumplings

Favourite Song: Genie in a bottle - Christina Aguilera 

Favourite Hobby: Photography

Friends: Scarlet, Azure, Amber

Group: The China Quadruplets

Quotes: "Jeez, chill out!", "Whoa! Look at that", "Heck yeah!", "Bruh...."

(2 edits)

Year 6XXX 

The humans destroyed Earth in every way possible. To hide from the sad reality that they themselves built, they began to dig their own pit in search of more wonderful lies. With thousands of bombing and endless and meaningless wars, a portal was sculpted by our own choices, teleporting thousands of planets and universes full of life and mystical beings causing them to get lost in time. The portal disappeared and, with that, the apocalypse arrived and all the races of beings begin to fight for their own lives to the point that they can return to their worlds and escape from this eternal nightmare. While fighting time and themselves , few see the real future reserved for Earth: The complete destruction of all beings and life that inhabit it.

The world is no longer the same, who really deserves to live? What is the purpose of all this? 

Name: Reaper (No one knows her real name)

Age: Early 20's?

Race: Human (One of the last ones)

World: Earth

Personality Traits: Doesn't talk, keeps to herself, doesn't show her face

Favourite Weapon: Her skulls and crossbones Scythe (Where she got her nickname from)

Favourite Food: No one's seen her eat

Favourite Song: Stabbing in the Dark - Ice Nine Kills

Favourite Hobby: Witchcraft

Friends: Alyssa (Human), Ryder (Human), Krystal (Glass), Adelphe (Hybrid), Liquorice (Candy)

Group: Protesters (Against the wars) 

Quotes: "..."

(4 edits)

Year 6XXX 

The humans destroyed Earth in every way possible. To hide from the sad reality that they themselves built, they began to dig their own pit in search of more wonderful lies. With thousands of bombing and endless and meaningless wars, a portal was sculpted by our own choices, teleporting thousands of planets and universes full of life and mystical beings causing them to get lost in time. The portal disappeared and, with that, the apocalypse arrived and all the races of beings begin to fight for their own lives to the point that they can return to their worlds and escape from this eternal nightmare. While fighting time and themselves , few see the real future reserved for Earth: The complete destruction of all beings and life that inhabit it.

The world is no longer the same, who really deserves to live? What is the purpose of all this? 

Name: Liquorice

Age: 52

Race: Candy

World: Candy land (So creative, right?)

Personality Traits: Crazy, irritable, a little dim

Favourite Weapon: Her "sweetness"

Favourite Food: Cupcakes

Favourite Song: Lollipop - Mika

Favourite Hobby: Asking if they can leave Ryder behind

Friends: Alyssa (Human), Reaper (Human), Ryder (Human), Krystal (Glass), Adelphe (Hybrid)

Group: Protesters (Against the wars) 

Quotes: "Will you just... Shut. Up!", "My God you're annoying.", "Can we leave Ryder behind?", "Guys, we've got company..."

(1 edit)

Year 6XXX 

The humans destroyed Earth in every way possible. To hide from the sad reality that they themselves built, they began to dig their own pit in search of more wonderful lies. With thousands of bombing and endless and meaningless wars, a portal was sculpted by our own choices, teleporting thousands of planets and universes full of life and mystical beings causing them to get lost in time. The portal disappeared and, with that, the apocalypse arrived and all the races of beings begin to fight for their own lives to the point that they can return to their worlds and escape from this eternal nightmare. While fighting time and themselves , few see the real future reserved for Earth: The complete destruction of all beings and life that inhabit it.

The world is no longer the same, who really deserves to live? What is the purpose of all this? 

(Let's just pretend shall we?)

Name: Ryder

Age: 22

Race: Human (One of the last ones)

World: Earth

Personality Traits: Flirtatious, charming, funny

Favourite Weapon: Dagger

Favourite Food: Pizza

Favourite Song: Thank God it's Friday - Ice Nine Kills  

Favourite Hobby: Flirting with Alyssa

Friends: Alyssa (Human), Reaper (Human), Krystal (Glass), Adelphe (Hybrid), Liquorice (Candy)

Group: Protesters (Against the wars) 

Quotes: "Heyy...", "I hate to see her go, but love to watch her leave.", "I don't wanna be cliche, but..", "Dangggggggg."

(1 edit)

Year 6XXX 

The humans destroyed Earth in every way possible. To hide from the sad reality that they themselves built, they began to dig their own pit in search of more wonderful lies. With thousands of bombing and endless and meaningless wars, a portal was sculpted by our own choices, teleporting thousands of planets and universes full of life and mystical beings causing them to get lost in time. The portal disappeared and, with that, the apocalypse arrived and all the races of beings begin to fight for their own lives to the point that they can return to their worlds and escape from this eternal nightmare. While fighting time and themselves , few see the real future reserved for Earth: The complete destruction of all beings and life that inhabit it.

The world is no longer the same, who really deserves to live? What is the purpose of all this? 

Name: Krystal

Age: 183

Race: Glass

World: Crystique

Personality Traits: Caring, organised, prepared

Favourite Weapon: Shards of glass

Favourite Food: Doesn't eat (Shame for her)

Favourite Song: The Marriage of Figaro - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart  

Favourite Hobby: Caring for others

Friends: Alyssa (Human), Reaper (Human), Ryder (Human), Adelphe (Hybrid), Liquorice (Candy)

Group: Protesters (Against the wars) 

Quotes: "Awe, come here.", "Guys! No bickering!", "Poor baby.", "Ryder! Stop flirting!"

(1 edit)

Year 6XXX 

The humans destroyed Earth in every way possible. To hide from the sad reality that they themselves built, they began to dig their own pit in search of more wonderful lies. With thousands of bombing and endless and meaningless wars, a portal was sculpted by our own choices, teleporting thousands of planets and universes full of life and mystical beings causing them to get lost in time. The portal disappeared and, with that, the apocalypse arrived and all the races of beings begin to fight for their own lives to the point that they can return to their worlds and escape from this eternal nightmare. While fighting time and themselves , few see the real future reserved for Earth: The complete destruction of all beings and life that inhabit it.

The world is no longer the same, who really deserves to live? What is the purpose of all this? 

Name: Adelphie

Age: 17

Race: Hybrid (Human & Dear)

World: Woodsia

Personality Traits: Sweet, innocent, clueless

Favourite Weapon: Her teeth.

Favourite Food: Marshmellows

Favourite Song: Rockafeller Street - Nightcore 

Favourite Hobby: Reading 

Friends: Alyssa (Human), Reaper (Human), Ryder (Human), Krystal (Glass), Liquorice (Candy)

Group: Protesters (Against the wars) 

Quotes: "What do you mean?", "I don't get it?", "C'mon! Tell me!", "Um, guys? We have a problem...", "Seriously! Tell me!"

(3 edits)

Year 6XXX 

The humans destroyed Earth in every way possible. To hide from the sad reality that they themselves built, they began to dig their own pit in search of more wonderful lies. With thousands of bombing and endless and meaningless wars, a portal was sculpted by our own choices, teleporting thousands of planets and universes full of life and mystical beings causing them to get lost in time. The portal disappeared and, with that, the apocalypse arrived and all the races of beings begin to fight for their own lives to the point that they can return to their worlds and escape from this eternal nightmare. While fighting time and themselves , few see the real future reserved for Earth: The complete destruction of all beings and life that inhabit it.

The world is no longer the same, who really deserves to live? What is the purpose of all this? 

Name: Alyssa

Age: 21

Race: Human (One of the last ones)

World: Earth

Personality Traits: Sarcastic, closed-off, hot-tempered, impulsive

Favourite Weapon: Machete

Favourite Food: Doughnuts

Favourite Song: American Nightmare - Ice Nine Kills

Favourite Hobby: Writing Stories

Friends: Reaper (Human), Ryder (Human), Krystal (Glass), Liquorice (Candy), Adelphie (Hybrid)

Group: Protesters (Against the wars) 

Quotes: "", "How about no?", "lol, big mood", "Bite. Me", "Try me.", "I don't bite... Well not the people I don't know.", "My God Ryder, go find someone else to flirt with."