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A member registered Jun 10, 2020

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Finished the Demo on stream and I have so much praise for it.  FYI this is all for the very first initial 0.1 build that came out Saturday, May ‎4, around 5PM.

The game feels really good when it's running smoothly.  I love Boy Boy Boy and the other characters.  Virgil's stank face is fantastic.  You managed to write a fairy companion that was endearing and not at all annoying.  The aesthetic is perfect and I think the lighting is amazing.  The platforming, while a bit stiff, still feels very satisfying when you do it right.  Parrying kind of seems high risk low reward, but that's likely because I was just using it on beginning enemies and they die easily anyway.  It will likely be way more useful on enemies that are harder to kill.

Bugwise I ran into a few, which is totally sensible for a 0.1 build,  so I'll try my best to describe them as well as post a link to the VOD of the stream I did so you can see what I did.  I tried my best to reproduce the bugs several times when possible.

  • I saw someone else mention the falling animation bug that would kill them.  More often for me would be an issue where if I jumped on an object I could not land on such as a cage or a save crystal, my character would enter the falling animation, then slow down their horizontal movement speed, and by the time I fell off of the object I would land as if falling from a great height, but take NO damage.  My character would then get stuck in the animation at the point of being on one knee and then never get up.  The game would also not accept any inputs other than camera rotation.
  • I encountered numerous crashes on saving the game.  Nearly every time I saved in fact.  These would corrupt the save and cause it to spawn me in all sorts of wacky places.  Anywhere from under the floor resulting in death, to in the sky where when I landed it would revert me to a pre-game start state at Lv.1 with no items.  Sometimes the enemies were shuffled around and others I was stuck in combat with enemies that no longer existed.  I got around it by copying and backing up my save file every time I made a verifiably good save, then replacing the bad one each time it corrupted.
  • There were also several situations where dialogue would show up in the wrong places and then soft lock the game such as Virgil's dialogue appearing when investigating the chain and blood smear as well as him repeating his old dialogue when talking to him and not allowing me to leave the conversation as the camera panned dramatically.
  • The camera would randomly decide to take an isometric and more vertical placement after respawning, but would revert to the proper position when changing scenes.
  • If rolling through doorways you will spawn on the other side with a superficially elongated stamina bar that decreases to normal after a few seconds.
  • Not sure if I'm doing something wrong, but there seems to be no collision to the platform with the item on it that you use beams to jump to in the room with the ball and chain.  I tried jumping to it several times and just fell through the platform each time.
  • Also, you can fall right out of bounds if jumping at the wall alongside the box that you jump on to get to those beams.

If you want any clarification just let me know, I'd be happy to reproduce or send anymore data you need.  This game seems amazing and I want to help any way I can.