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A member registered Nov 01, 2018

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Oh, thank you, yes, I take into account what you said, and I’m publishing a test version this month, optimization is complete, I’ll publish a version that you can test for now, I say thank you for your valuable comment. :)

Please register offical web site:

Yes, it’s a really difficult project, but I’ll release a version for you to play in February in front of us, hopefully it will be a good exit thank you for your understanding you can follow us through our website.

Hi, if there is no problem, you will be able to play with the Christmas update in December.

Hey puppy You can’t play right now, we are developing a bit more, we will publish the game as soon as possible.

Hi Yes I'm thinking of improving on other platforms some time after it's released to the Windows platform.

Hi Thank you for the question, but it won't be the single player mode of the game.