Now this looks like a killer game!
Ready Wolf
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Hey thank you for the update. Will add those problems to the list should be an easy fix.
I do have a big list of updates and new features to put into the game but game development isn't my full time job and i am working on some other (more boring) projects currently.
I am hoping to release some new content for BB by about April (3 new power ups, 3 new bad guys/drones, new mouse control UI, bug fixes you have addressed)
One day in the long haul i want to create a level editor so anyone can make levels.
Yep i see the problem. No worries that should be an easy fix. I thought when N pushed the level down. Bricks lower than the UI should be destroyed... obviously that didn't happen so will look into this one.
If you do find yourself for whatever reason in an unpassable level a work around is to pause the game and exit back to the main menu, the game will auto save your progress when you go to start a game again you can restore from the start of the level.
Hello - yes i would love to make a custom spinner controller for the game. As far as i know there is no off the shelf spinner controller, so I have been thinking of making a USB one myself as i am lucky enough to have a few friends who understand the electronics. I have made my own game joysticks using micro controllers in the past.
For these paddle based games using a spinner controls would greatly improve the game play!
Love the review (I could read it using Google translate) you really cover everything and i'm glad my intentions for the game where understood by you and captured in the review.
With CRT and Scanline filters are interesting suggestions and i think it would be possible to include a feature like that.
99% of the sounds in the game where created by me using an Alesis Micron synthesiser but i drew inspiration from sounds of the past to make them. The three sounds I didn't make were the dragon roars, a cheer effect and a whistle sample. But they are public domain sounds.
Thanks. I very much enjoy it myself and it is very challenging still trying to beat the master levels (super difficult levels you can unlock) on hard difficulty.
Interestingly I wrote most of the music over 10 years ago back then I didn't know how to program video games only knew about music. I revisited some of my old music and rearranged and reworked the songs to suit the game.
Soundtrack is available on my band camp page
Hey m5. Ok so maybe its taken a little longer but Beautiful Bricks is finally on Steam! Ha things sometimes take longer than we hoped!
A link to the steam store:
Hey Ricochet thanks for the message. I haven't put it up on Steam yet. Will let you know once its actually on there. I have made lots of improvements since the trailer came out and will have to re-do the trailer and get the game out to the public.
The biggest difference is now your paddle can jump at anytime which gives you a lot more control and freedom.