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A member registered 37 days ago · View creator page →

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Hello folks,

Version 0.11 of Life Gets Better is now ready. This also closes the intro in its entirety. 

This Version is in German and English.

The translation is better this time but not perfect. I am continuing to work on that. Unfortunately I have to rely on external tools.

If you have any questions or suggestions, I would be happy to help you!

Best regards


Infos about V0.01
Hello folks,  version 0.01 is an intro. Depending on your reading speed, you will need around 30 to 45 minutes per passage. The game opens up different paths and possibilities for you. Depending on what you decide, you can influence the course of the story. Update 0.11 is 90% complete and will be released in the next few days. The first renders and animations are partly incorrect. I apologize for that. However, I have decided not to revise it yet. The game was developed in German. You can switch to an English version in the menu.  I would be very happy about any support. Working on the project takes a lot of time and money. I will therefore need your support for further updates.  Best regards Reacté