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Rinky-Dink Entertainment

A member registered Nov 08, 2019 · View creator page →

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Hi. Thanks for trying my game and all your feedback.

I am glad you figured out the landing lights which are explained on page 3 of the How to play :)

I am not surprised that there might be some bugs. I have tried my bet to get rid of them all but as a single developer it is almost impossible to be able to find every single one. I will have a good read thru of the possible bugs and see if I can recreate them and possibly also fix them.

As for your suggestions on enhancements:

- A MacOS version is not very likely as I like to verify that whatever I release works and is as bug-free as I can possibly get it, and I do not have, nor can I afford a Mac for testing purposes. A Linux version may come if I can find the time to set up a Linux machine for testing. WebGL is also unlikely, at least for this game.

- I agree that some form of auditory feedback for clicks and similar would have been a good idea, but there is already a lot of sound so I didn't want to add any more. Having them optional could have worked.

- I had an audio message from planes that left the airspace but it felt like it was too much so I decided to remove them. Maybe some visual indication would have been a better idea.

- I will look into the border-less window option for any future games.

- I personally don't think that the "pro" full-screen would be very useful but other people may think otherwise. I have been thinking of a Local Airspace 2 if this one gets a few downloads. I may included it in that one.

- For Unity games with all the files I think the installer is a better option than zip files. I don't think the average user want to mess around with unpacking zip files and making sure everything is in the right folder. Maybe offering both option could work...

- The amount of speech is supposed to be a little overwhelming :) There are 5 different voices and each plane has a random pitch variation. I did some experiments and if I pitched it too far (fast) it did not sound (somewhat) natural. The fastest pitch used now is the fastest it could play and still sound OK.

- I am glad LUN unlocked for you. There are a total of 6 different airspaces. The last shift in the 6th airspace can get a little hectic :)

- The "hold at 5k feet" is in there as it is used IRL and also too keep the overwhelming part going :)

It is not very likely that I can implement most of your suggestion in the current game, but I will keep them in mind if I make Local Airspace 2 or for any other future games I may make.

The scratch was actually a graphics error initially, but I noticed it looks like a scratch as well so I decided to leave it in there.

Thanks again.