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A member registered Aug 29, 2018 · View creator page →

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the grapple mechanics still need a little work but they seem to be functioning. Even if the ideal mechanics don't work out, you can always rework level design to focus on what does. The 2d vs 3d nature of the character and background seem a little strange at first glance but I'm really excited to see how it looks with some polish (and of course getting the wonderful artwork in there).

I really like this. The moment and level design were easy to understand and fun to navigate. The level map did seem to become a little same-y the longer the player progresses but with a few more touch ups it should be really good. Also a side note; the music in the scene right now makes everything feel much less biker race and more relaxing.

The game was was really chill and relaxing. I enjoyed the humor in a lot of the text blocks and dialogues.  I think adding sound clips attached to the options could help the player in picking music options while still leaving options open to them.