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A member registered Oct 13, 2020 · View creator page →

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well, to do it on windows, you gotta download linux on it, and do the same steps, but make sure to zip the file using the terminal

thanks, DeathByDietCoke did all of the sprite and sound work

i don't play this game, and i don't think i will, but i noticed you had a problem with exporting to mac?
i'm a fellow Gamedev and the solution i found that works, is this:
- go to the mac
- open the terminal
- open the directory that the .app file is in
- and type in "sudo chmod -R 755 [filename].app" (make sure the R is capital)
then you should be able to run it

a few notes:
once you've gotten the game running you're able to zip it, and other mac players should be able to play it aswell, that means you need a mac to be able to export the game

i've discovered a way to do it without mac, but it's difficult, and if you have a mac, i suggest you use that

seems a bit trivial, but i get where you're coming from

i often like to back-up most of my important files on to an external cloud server
and i would like to save my files on this game, but currently there is no way to export/import a save file
it would be greatly appreciated, as i will also be able to share this with my friends (not that i have any though lol)

5-10 mins

cool, i win!

very hard, if i hit a dead-end, it

's a death sentence

download !

i thought it was "daddy dearest"

(1 edit)

just to clarify, will it be emailed to the email from my account, or the paypal one? (i used my dads paypal account) (and yes my dad did allow it)

3RD (Completed) Run!

i have a couple of questions

1. how do i get the steam key when it releases

2. i heard something about the people who bought the pre-order getting a special thanks?, if so, how do i send my name?

My 2nd Run

(1 edit)

My first speedrun!

this is a cool game

can you make more levels please

this is very cool (i might speedrun it)

huh, i never realized that

(1 edit)


"Make it threw the three shifts of the day"
ah yes threw
(the correct spelling is through)

(1 edit)

yeah, it's like giving a group, flyers instead of 1 person

they ded

i beat the entire game without firing a single gun

just above the comment section