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A member registered Jan 04, 2023

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im making to much mony and dont know what to do with it

yes thats what i meant

i would love  more spookyness and jumpscares, maybe im alone in this but i think it fits his charachter. and in my opinion, having lots op options to choose from in the dialogue is a good thing! even if it doesnt add to the overall storyline it makes the experience feel more personal.  

basically, the more we get to talk to vance the better. i dont know how much you want to expand the game but i would also love the introduction of other charachters or to see more of how vance interacts with the world, maybe also get to know how he spends his time in his realm of existance. 

i would also suggest sticking to one art style as some of the sprites were way more detailed than others, i actually liked the simple art style vance is drawn in and i can imagen it is easyer to draw more sprites in that style.  please dont feel pressured to include all this im just trying to give you some ideas if your short of them but if you already know what you want than great! its your game : )

thank you for taking the time to respond, so Vance is a liar! 

also yesssssssss the game is expanding :>

its so simple, yet one of my fav games as of late, im not into the whole dog thing but his personality was so endearing that it was easily overlooked. i love simple sureal games like this it felt cozy. i liked all endings except the blood kiss lol, wish it was longer/there were more options. i also loved the awake/sanity concept, it made me go back to see if i would get another ending if the stats were different. also the going to class and replacing sleep with coffee felt very relatable. what i didnt understand is why did vance love us so much if he didnt know us before our encounter?

also kids, if you dont sleep for two days the only ghost you will encounter is your own XD 


lol taurus right?

lol i love your comments they go from super helpful to just roasting hahah hope you finish the entry

im really glad you could avoid the S part lol like take me on a date first lool 

anyways when do you kinda expect the full game to be released? 

and a small critique story wise, the other characters were introduced in a very flat way, i couldnt really get a grasp of their overall importance, this might come up later in the game idk.also i think that mc is way to accepting of Alans shenanigance it would be neat to have the choice to push back a little to get a grasp of his character but again, this might turn out to be in the full release 

 and i really hope that you will add in a choice where we could avoid sh1t hitting the fan like where you can justnope out of the situation 

*Alan thinks you are boring* the end ( :