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Dominik Waldowski

A member registered Jan 22, 2020 · View creator page →

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I finally started uploading this series to YouTube, there will be new part coming out daily so feel free to check it out or tune in to my morning streams at

In our last stream we have added  spawn system, so now the game features simple enemy movement + optional enemy fire, player movement + shooting(with mobile and pc controls) as well as some utility settings like pausing the game, setting sound on/off and auto scaling scripts to fit to any mobile device.

We are going to add "First Playable PC" build after next few streams so look forward to it by end of this week!

Part one of the streams is available at:

We are done with first week of development!

To total it up I did about 3 streams ranging between 20min to 1 hour so this is under 3 hours of development in progress.

The features that were added were:

  • - players ability to move(using mouse click or finger tap), continuous player shooting
  • -Optimised bullet shooting using pooling. 
  • -Enemies firing randomly(Derived from player shooting)
  • -Scrolling background
  • -Game pause and basic main menu
  • -Camera control, scaling for various devices etc.
  • -powerup spawn and collection system on enemy kill
  • Save system framework

In next week we will focus on adding effects such as sounds and explosion, this is to have framework for these systems ahead of time rather than adding it towards the end.

As well as working with save system, this will include adding sound control etc.

Hello! as promised after second stream we made a page where we will make new post  per streaming day to show off the progress!

Quick brief, this projects aim is to create a mobile game from start to finish this includes publishing it to android store as final goal.

The application will be free to play and all the early code will be left as open source. 

Any mechanics that wont be included into open source will be posted separate in tutorial format onto the YouTube Channel.

Currently we implemented a way to move our player, as well as shoot and damage our enemies. This + some other small additions were done over first and second stream that lasted roughly around 20 minutes each.

If you are interested in following the stream check out

Visit my discord:

use the self assign role "tester" to get notifications of my streams, testing builds will also be required later down the line!

Current YouTube channel used to publish these series is my personal channel where I upload all my mini series and tutorials:

However for release project we will use alternative company YouTube and email but more on that later in the future.

Currently the game closes after you lose all 3 healths, I probably should have added some disclaimer or warning, I will add proper back to menu when 2 player mode comes out in version 2. Till then there be no changes to this project.

This project is now officially postponed for about month.

Gameplay Settings

Due to the availability of level construction the balancing is quite tough and unnecessary for prototyping so I included ability to modify the difficulty via options menu

Difficulty - used for scaling health of the enemy

Start money - sets up the starting money at beginning of the game

Free object placement - triggers between placing objects per tile or a free placement anywhere within specified areas.

Guides and Tutorial

Level Builder

Level builder allows you to create 4 levels, if no levels are created default levels made by myself will be used during play.

Icons top to bottom:

Save level-  saves currently made level

Trash can - deletes the level(this results in default level being used when playing)

select level - allows you to modify save files for levels 1 2 3 or 4

generate/recreate - makes new map or regenerates if save file exists

selection block - selects the block that can be placed on the map

Flag block - used for placing path the path goes numerically

Reset path - removes the path entirely so new one can be placed

Width/Height - controls size of the map before generating it

Example of a level

The editor is a leftover from programmers tools so there are no error trackers, this means that if you draw weird path it will just function incorrectly in play, the image above shows what a functional level would look like.