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A member registered Jul 26, 2022 · View creator page →

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the platforming is not particularly satisfying due to the inability to even slightly control the air movement. also, nothing really screams "alien" as far as the theme is concerned.

I would suggest a bigger focus on the platforming and make that a bit more engaging before varying up the abilities a bit

hi, thanks for taking the time to play, the bugs will get ironed out as soon as we can update the game (once the voting closes in a few hours). on that note, don't forget to rate us for the jam :)

hey don't feel bad about that comment, it's very clearly a throwaway account which registered and immediately started bashing games on his rating queue (in case anyone is wondering, rating queues are safeguards jams put in place to weed out rating spammers such as this one, where you can't rate just any game immediately, you first have to rate 3-5 others) in order to get to the game they really wanted to vote for - from Mercury.

So I'd take that feedback with a grain of salt. And congratulations on releasing the game.

hi, thanks for taking the time to play.

At the end of each level, or when you think you're finished, you still need to go talk to the agent to let him know you're done. 

(1 edit)

Hi everyone, I'm a sound designer and composer experienced with FMOD and intermediate at UE4/5 able to make bespoke sfx and music using my own recordings.

  • I have experience with managing teams and departments and tracking progress using tools such as git, gdrive and p4v
  • I've been on some teams you might have heard of, such as Fallout Frontier, Project Gnosis and the award-winning short movie - Frogs
  • if you want to form a team or need someone like me in an already existing team, let me know
  • I only work on one project at a time and am a high-ownership individual 

hi, thanks for taking the time to comment. The performance is something that's currently being worked on and should improve in the very near future. Would you like me to shoot you a message once that's updated to see whether it works better for you?
