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A member registered Sep 14, 2021 · View creator page →

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This has become my most-played game for the past few days. Such an excellent concept and very well done! It feels like something that Edmund McMillen would’ve worked on.

Great video! You did a great job solving those levels, I don't think I'd even be able to do it if I tried going back through. Thanks for playing it and putting this video up.

I got some help from a great developer and the crank sensitivity is much better now! You can download it again for the latest version and update it on your Playdate.

(1 edit)

Although, now that you mention splitting it by four ticks, it gave me another idea that might work! I’ll give it a shot and upload a new version if I can get it working. Thanks!

Thank you for the feedback! Glad you like it. I agree about the crank, I spent some time trying to find the right cooldown between cranks, but I couldn’t quite find the balance between requiring too many cranks to get from one side to the other and the quick movement from one spot to another being too quick. It’s a challenge!