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A member registered Jan 05, 2021

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(2 edits)

Duuuuude, the first game devastated me so much that I didn't sleep much that night.  The ending never left my mind and kept on thinking Niles and Sixten deserved better.  Then, I played this and they finally had a happy ending. I never cried so hard over a same-sex couple.  As a straight shipper, this made me appreciate gay couples more.

96 and Another Story deserves more attention from gamers and romance lovers alike and fame just like other RPG maker games such as Misao, Mad Father, and Ib. Looking forward to the famous gamers like Jacksepticeye or ManlyBadassHero playing this in their upcoming videos.

I'm looking forward to your games like this in the future as well, Spongey Kitty!  Your works have so much potential.  Keep it up, guys! Stay safe and may this year fill you with prosperity and happiness! :D