Thank you!!
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Okay, i will show you, this is UTM_StaticData, its just STM_StaticData with name changed and so:
And this is the class when i did show you that code before for nicks (Nickname_Controller):
Hey! Everything is good but seems some not recognized error thrown:
3 errors on those, why can be those? maybe i am missing OnPreParse and STMTextContainer? i think so, hope you can get me those ones! (I am using unity 5.5.5p2 by the way)
I also did call the method like this, should be okay right? (In Nickname_Controller.cs)
// Add STMEMoji
if (gameObject_1.GetComponent<STMEmoji>() == null)
Edit: I managed to fix the errors, but after trying to use it like in your example:
if (text.Contains("Ranger"))
text = "<c=king><b>" + text + "</b></c> 🙂";
Then, the name dissappears in game after using the emoji, like its not supporting it...maybe i did call it incorrectly?
And yeah, emojis are added:
Modified class:
Uh, awesome!
So with this file, downloading this emoji resourced and placing them in my game folder, will make it display the emojis using SuperTextMesh when an emoji is inserted? i mean, lemme explain, when you copy a normal emoji it and paste, example from here ->
it displays.
So for what is this code from, it will do automatically, but what i need is to display them in nicknames and titles, example above head.
Whats the best approach?
Nono, i do EVERYTHING in the code, example for changing fonts and adding effects, in this many hours i managed to do it, i will show you:
I have to say that your resource is very complete!
Also i wanted to ask, does it support emojis? i know it support symbols, like text symbols, but colored emojis like... "😀😜" if so, how could i add them?
Hello! I was able to make text using king color effect for example:
SuperTextMesh_0.text = "<c=king>" + "<b>" + SuperTextMesh_0.text + "</b>";
But when i try to apply an animation like i saw in the video, example...
<j>text</j> the text does not play the animation, i tryed many ones, including <w=sassy=Text</w> but again, the animation dont play in the text...what i am missing?
Can i know the already included text animations by default?