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A member registered 35 days ago

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Thank you!!

Not really adult game, it's true you can do adult stuff but its mostly a social game where you can have parties with djs in real time, build your world, adult stuff is always optional, but up to you!

(4 edits)

By the way, is it possible you can add my game to the list of games that use SuperTextMesh?


Just did it!!


No need to complicate when you can call the icons above the title :p

Okay, i will show you, this is UTM_StaticData, its just STM_StaticData with name changed and so:

And this is the class when i did show you that code before for nicks (Nickname_Controller):

Making new topic for this, so you told me to use quads right? how can i use quads to load png icons above name? example, this is the method of my name:


Hey hey! Another question i have is...example here

What shoud i use if i want to add .png badges above the name? can i do that with Super Text Mesh?

Yeah! could make it as a free/paid addon, the script and emojis ready to work with a guide of how to make them working with STM.

(1 edit)

No problem! I managed to do almost everything, changing fonts, creating effects, types, and also created an interface in the website panel so my VIP players can customize it!

I hope you can somehow give support for this unity version for emojis! :D

(5 edits)

Hey! Everything is good but seems some not recognized error thrown:

3 errors on those, why can be those? maybe i am missing OnPreParse and STMTextContainer? i think so, hope you can get me those ones! (I am using unity 5.5.5p2 by the way)

I also did call the method like this, should be okay right? (In Nickname_Controller.cs)

        // Add STMEMoji

        if (gameObject_1.GetComponent<STMEmoji>() == null)




Edit: I managed to fix the errors, but after trying to use it like in your example:

        if (text.Contains("Ranger"))


            text = "<c=king><b>" + text + "</b></c> 🙂";


Then, the name dissappears in game after using the emoji, like its not supporting it...maybe i did call it incorrectly?
And yeah, emojis are added:

Modified class:


Uh, awesome! 

So with this file, downloading this emoji resourced and placing them in my game folder, will make it display the emojis using SuperTextMesh when an emoji is inserted? i mean, lemme explain, when  you copy a normal emoji it and paste, example from here ->

it displays.

So for what is this code from, it will do automatically, but what i need is to display them in nicknames and titles, example above head.

Whats the best approach?

(2 edits)

Nono, i do EVERYTHING in the code, example for changing fonts and adding effects, in this many hours i managed to do it, i will show you:

I have to say that your resource is very complete!

Also i wanted to ask, does it support emojis? i know it support symbols, like text symbols, but colored emojis like... "😀😜" if so, how could i add them?

My case requires a different approach since i am doing everything through code, could you accept my friend request at discord so i can show you? I am ranger there too!

Hello! I was able to make text using king color effect for example:

SuperTextMesh_0.text = "<c=king>" + "<b>" + SuperTextMesh_0.text + "</b>";

But when i try to apply an animation like i saw in the video, example...

<j>text</j>  the text does not play the animation, i tryed many ones, including <w=sassy=Text</w> but again, the animation dont play in the text...what i am missing? 

Can i know the already included text animations by default?