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A member registered Nov 01, 2018

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"Well, hey, I can take a looksee.

Alright, well, I spent some time gathering stuff and starting to build a house. Got killed a few times, too.

First off, it seems the player and camera's movement has been changed to follow the character's animation a bit more closely. Unfortunately, in a first-person game, this makes movement feel WAY too sluggish and unresponsive.

Hitting rocks and stuff is much improved, though I had no idea where one would gather mud. It might not be implemented, I dunno. The resource inventory is a bit cluttered, so it might be better to change the resource names into easily-identifiable icons, instead?

Also, while I like how there's stamina for running and attacking (which works with the hunger system), it depletes too quickly and regenerates too slowly. That should probably be toned down a little, since most players will want to run everywhere since the walk speed is so slow. Or just make the walking faster and make the sprinting even faster, I dunno.

The game could maybe use some notice that food or water or sleep is running low, I didn't notice until it was completely empty and I couldn't regenerate stamina. Which, by the way, is maybe a bit harsh of a punishment considering how slow the walk speed is. Maybe if low hunger or sleep slow down regeneration instead, that would be better? As for the hunger and sleep bars themselves, they seem to be okay. They deplete a bit fast, though I assume that's due to this being a simple prototype/testing/demo thing. If the game world gets bigger, it'd be best if the player can carry supplies and such with them for a longer trip (though that might not be the kinda game this is gonna end up being, I dunno).

The building system has been WAY improved. I actually managed to start building a half-way decent house, with nice walls and I was even gonna add a balcony or whatever, though I got killed halfway through finishing it. It could maybe be improved by giving the player more information. It'd be nice to know how many resources it'll take to build something before I place it, and you need to let the player know they can use the scroll wheel to change the building they're going to place. Also, the speed of rotation when trying to rotate something I'm about to place is WAY too slow. Might be better if it rotated in increments of like 5 degrees or something, I don't think most players will want or need any finer rotation than that.

The NPC partner kept wandering off, which was annoying. My first few attempts, she would run off to attack faraway enemies and get herself killed. On my last attempt, After I made the first half of the house she was nowhere to be found after a few minutes, so I assume she got killed by enemies. I had built a second bed for her, too. :(

I do like having NPCs to take care of and to have watching your back. Makes a change from most survival games where you're completely alone. Gives you more of a reason to build a strong house and whatnot. From what I could tell from the page, you'll eventually start to have children and raise them, then you start controlling one of the kids when they reach adulthood and carry on your town that way? Cause if so, that's freakin' awesome, I love that idea.

Btw, I noticed the page said there'd be an AI that controls other tribes or whatever, does this mean the game might act a bit like an RTS but from the perspective of a unit? Like, you build a house and defenses and fight off CPUs that are doing the same thing? Cause if so, that's neato.

Speaking of enemies, fighting is a bit clunky. Don't really know how to improve it, but right now it's just alternate block and attack and hope the enemy is too stupid to block when you attack. Maybe let the player cancel a block animation into an attack animation, and vice versa? I dunno. I do like how they'd shout obscenities at you while you beat them to death in a robot voice, that was pretty funny.

Made me think, though, any plans to let NPCs that aren't part of your group potentially join your tribe? I imagine it'd be pretty neat to find some random stranger out in the wilds stuggling to survive on their own, so you're able to talk peacefully with them and trade or whatever, or get them to come with you and join your group? Might be a neat way to stave off "awkward extiction", as you put it, by finding an NPC of the opposite sex if your group doesn't have any.

All in all, there's cool ideas here, kinda just needs some work on general game feel and such at the moment. Oh, and the main features, of course. Keep working on the main features if you feel that's more important at the moment."

Army xD

(1 edit)

I can get control of the enemy and command all enemies = D
It’s still impossible to pick up things if they get under water

Hachiko mode ON

I tried playing the previous version a few days ago and today I tried playing the updated version... It is much better! Much remains to be done, but at the moment the game looks promising