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Random Dude 72

A member registered 98 days ago

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This game is incredible. At every turn I'm stunned by the amount of love and skill that has clearly gone into this game at every turn.

I cannot remember the last time I played a game and kept repeating to myself "This game is so good."

Realistic and loveable characters, drama, comedy, heartbreak, and with happy endings (and happy endings ;)) to some stories and tragedy in others.

And the game's visual design! Each town and even each building(!) created not only with realism in mind but with touches of taste from the individuals who live there! 

Why do people love the Lord of the Rings universe? Why is Tolkien's work so popular? One of the key reasons - and I put it to you this is one of the keys to any great work - is the verisimilitude. Reading it, you get a feeling that you are seeing merely a glimpse of the world and a glimpse of the tales therein.

This game has that key. The characters have motivations, personalities, agendas, flaws, and tastes. They are believably real, and even in their relatively brief dialogue options they can be seen to carry on their lives impacted by you.

And what is done with this key? It unlocks the heart all stories: conflict. You, dear reader considering whether or not to play this game, might not care about the technicalities of story writing and design, and that's fine, but, as an amateur writer, I do, so I have to point it out: the characters have conflicting motivations and beliefs, and not only that, they change! Character growth! And is it done ham-fistedly with a moral agenda? No! Their decisions are ambiguous! Verisimilitude! Or, in game-design terms: immersion! When I play this game I forget I'm playing a game and feel like I'm exploring a world.

The lore is fabulously paced  (and consistent, naturally, I've come to expect no less while playing): exposition dumps? Pffft, that's for amateurs. Pointless main story scenes? The work of a novice. And what of predictable outcomes? Yes, who among us has not guessed how a film ends, but does that detract from the experience? No, because there is still joy in seeing the characters themselves unravel the story. And that is conflict between the reader/player and the characters. That is the work of a pro.

But, aside from the visual design, these are all arguably comments on the game as a story. Is it a good game based on what makes it a game, as opposed to what makes it a story? Well, this is not a review, this is merely an expression of awe and praise to its creator, so I won't analyse it. That said however (and noting potential gamers might read this as well as the creator), I'll say this: although I won't call it ground-breaking, that's not what the game tries to be, and I argue that art is well-appreciated with a consideration for what it wants to be. Its strengths lie in its story, its characters, and its art.

But does that mean the game-elements are bad? Of course not. The UI is simple and easy to navigate. There are 50 save slots: plenty to explore the multiple routes of what is arguably a game-based choose your own adventure story (CYOA) with some branching paths from a main story. The battle-mechanics are varied enough to support multiple tactical choices, and the difficulty balancing is enough to support a thrilling risk without the need to grind levels (although, admittedly, I've only completed an estimated 60% of the game).

But as a game/CYOA, what really brings it home are the alternate vampire routes. The game description calls it a singular alternate route, but I'd argue there are two, although I have the impression (I haven't completed either) that one has significantly more to explore than the other. Such are the joys of CYOAs.

As for the advertised 20+ hours of gameplay, although I know myself to be a slow player of games, how glad I am to find that is for me a conservative estimate.

And lastly, there is of course the art. Some lewd games will be good but then unfortunately provide only a few works of art. This game has 146.

As mentioned, this is not a review, it is mainly praise, of which I give as much as I can. Top marks - 7/7. (Yes, I know that's a strange scale, but I think it's better than the common 1-10 scale)

But of course, I also praise while conscientious of everyone else - you who read this while considering whether or not to play the game. To you I say this: yes, I know I'm enthusiastic and passionate about this game. I love this game, and I am biased, and you, potential gamer, might not share my tastes and feel the same.

Does the game have weaknesses? Absolutely. All art does, and no art, no matter how great, can please everyone. Tolkien's work - blasphemous as this may sound - does not appeal to everyone.

However, consider what the art wants to be, and then consider how it delivers that. Read the game's description. If you like what it offers, then I want you to know that it delivers, and it delivers it exceptionally well.