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A member registered Jan 29, 2023

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Short hand- Even besides the abject horniness that the game provides, that is very well executed, there are stories that I as a person feel very connected to and that are expertly written, and that I would pay infinite money to make sure things like this can exist.

Much Longer Hand- I am an autistic trans woman and I feel like this game was made for me. I'm not super connected to the NSFW elements, though I can appreciate the work that goes into them, they're mostly supremely well written and even funny a lot of the time, and I wouldn't argue for their removal(NSFW art is art and deserves a place in the world), but my main driving love for this game exists in the moments where HC gets to explore how it feels to be a droid, how she struggles with the same things I struggle, her loneliness feeling like she's the only person like her, her dysphoria, and above all else how she still chooses to love her friends even if they might never understand her. I don't know if HC was written with autism in mind but damn, I feel represented in a way that I never get to be. Technically you can get all this from the story without ever encountering a scene where you have to have sex with a character but if I'm being honest I don't think you should avoid them. They add so much to HC's character, and flesh out many more. Even when it doesn't add anything to the story, they're all well written. 10/10 game I think it achieves every goal it sets out to achieve and is firing on all cylinders while it does.