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A member registered Jun 29, 2021

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(2 edits)

I am upset at how well written this story is. Like i have never laughed so much so consistently with so much mirth to anything much less any game in my life (this includes any friend). To top that off you are making me laugh while exploring stories of characters i adore and mysteries deeper than oceans. Not only that but somehow it is literally tens of hours of entertainment. At this point i'm only halfway through the game and the game has left me with a constant curious dread about the ending.


I still cant believe that not only did you introduce a female mercury but you wrote a story where i somehow wholeheartedly can accept that there is a female mercury. If anyone proposed to me that anyone tried to make that work i would not only write it off as impossible i would laugh at it half as hard as this game makes me laugh every 15min, quite a substantial amount.