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A member registered Jan 06, 2021

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(1 edit)

[Edit: just realised how lengthy this is, so skip if you don't want to read]

The game seems to be coming along smoothly, given by the new/improved content generated from each update. The new environment gives the impression of a school that is inhabited, unlike the previous one where it seemed more like a ghost town. The AI, as usual,  looks great. More content to observe and interact with, etc... In general, a lot of things are superb!

I think the only problem I have, which is nit-picking at best, is that the dialogue does not seem to be optimised/improved on much, if at all. 

Someone probably has already mentioned this before, but the Japanese spoken by Saiko seems a bit weird? I have yet to start JLPT N3, and am nowhere near the level of a Japanese native speaker, but the way she speaks seems to be kind of stilted. I didn't write down exactly what I found weird, but a couple things do stick out from my memory, only because I listened to certain parts on loop to catch what Saiko was saying.

I tried listening to her speak in the introduction multiple times, but it's quite difficult to hear the pronunciation of the words. For example, near the start, she said something along the lines of 「…もう夜よ」, but to me, it sounds like「...もうようよ」(i.e. I couldn't hear the ’る’). Additionally, a few sentences never seemed very clear to me, and just sounded like sounds strung together (but that may be a result of my poor listening skills). I watched a couple clips from Japanese youtubers, but they had yet to play the update with the intro in it, so take what you will of my criticism on the Japanese language - perhaps it's easier to comprehend what Saiko is saying if you're a native speaker.

To add onto that, the formality of Saiko's speech sometimes fluctuates. What I'm talking about is the 'politeness level' of spoken Japanese (e.g. keigo, teineigo). In the intro, she predominantly spoke in plain form. Example: 「…何時分からないけど…」. This is understandable - she's still young (and students/children often talk to each other in this manner), and wants to be close with the protagonist (using plain form implicates closeness between the parties, and perhaps she uses it to establish this familiarity regardless of how false it is? Idk, just thinking of reasons for it). But then, she switches to a more polite form of speech at the end of the intro. Example: 「…ここで私を待っています。」. Even so, using polite speech is also understandable for her to use, since she is speaking to her senior (a result of the 先輩ー後輩 relation/dynamic), and to someone she admires(?). This fluctuation is also apparent in the gameplay dialogue (e.g. 「…先輩と遊ぶのが大好きだって…」(?), and 「私怒っています」). 

It just seems weird to switch the type of speech back and forth without purpose, especially since it's the norm to stick to the same level when talking to one person (unless the relationship significantly improves/worsens). This is just an idea, but maybe you can have the 'friendly' personality use polite form, whilst the 'sadistic' personality use plain form? Reason being that the former personality is respectful of you, whilst the latter doesn't care about you (it may seem contradictory to what I said before, but you wouldn't really care about being polite if you commit manslaughter right?). 

I do have some more things to say, but I'm afraid this is getting too long, so I'll simply mention them. The same 'topic' preceded by 'は' is repeated (sorry I don't really know how to word this better), which should be avoided. Instead of using 'あなた', it's probably better to use '先輩’ (or nothing, if the 'topic' is already mentioned previously). Falling back to idea in the above paragraph, but the crude 'you' pronouns could be used by the sadistic side, whilst more respectful pronouns used by the friendly one. Maybe more variety in the gameplay dialogue is necessary (if you have Saiko follow right behind you around in the friendly persona, she tends to toggle through maybe 5 lines(?), so these lines will be repeated and heard many times over).

This is a summary of the above:

  • A great update/game - the only gripe is the kind of stilted Japanese dialogue used
  • Pronunciation of words/sentences at times are incomprehensible
  • Formality/politeness level of spoken Japanese is inconsistent
  • An idea to remedy the aforementioned fluctuation: the friendly personality uses polite speech (teineigo/keigo/etc...), whilst the sadistic persona uses plain speech (kudeketa/slang/etc...)
  • Some extra things regarding Japanese language/grammar that stick out - they perhaps contribute to why the dialogue sounds weird
  • Perhaps more variety in gameplay dialogue?

I have written this comment to give the following suggestion: have someone proficient in the language (to native-level?) to review the game's Japanese dialogue, both in the sentence structures as well as the pronunciation of such lines. 

As a side-note, I think it's better to remedy the Japanese lines before translating the game into different languages. The game is most definitely subject to a lot of change over the course of its development, so translations should probably be done after a majority of the work is done. I apologise if I offended those who want to have the game have translations available in their native language.

Sorry for the atrociously long comment, I'm incapable of writing succinctly.