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A member registered Jun 23, 2018

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The memes. The MEMES. This is the best visual novel I have ever played. I laughed so many times. I went down a fanfiction and fan art hole just minutes after finishing it because I love me the gays. Seriously the characterizations are the best. I especially love Noelle and I want to see more of all of them. This was so heartfelt while also full of jokes and honestly having Arkarsha on Min's shoulders on a skateboard was the best moment ever. I took a screencap so I can imagine it over again every time I find it again. I hope to see more with these characters in the future! Keep up the amazing work.

I'm so excited to continue this game. I love every character and the visuals are gorgeous. I cant wait to play it over and over to date all the people. But especially Logan. Shes just my type