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A member registered Jan 20, 2020 · View creator page →

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10/10 would eat a fly again!

that is completely alright fam!

so i gave this game a try and now its my favorite phychological type horror game, the atmosphere is absolutely amazing and the experience was pretty good! i had a lot of fun playing! 10/10 would play this again

are you able to access the games files through android? 

Review time!!

i may or may not have happy and sad cried more than i should have in under a few hours.

the fact that i got emotionally attached to almost every character means this game is pretty much perfect storywise 

i did bump into some glitches but that was because my computer went screwy while unzipping the files


im totally not currently crying rn what are you talking about

amazing game 10/10 would play every route possible in one setting again

u u h h h, i may or may have not bumped into a problem

honest to god same

(2 edits)

aaaaall right, time to try this game, i will update this comment in a bit to say what i thought about the game! so brb

alright, i love this game and its very amazing and holy crap i love it, i cant wait too see what the future of this game holds! and major respect for the amazing art! they all are daddy material
but with nothing else too say
edit 1 1/2: i forgot to say i love the story so far lol but for serious, keep it up fam!

10/10 would play through Sissel's and Owens route so far 7 times... oh wait, i already did that