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A member registered 97 days ago

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The game itself presents a good idea. I have played it several times to be able to have an opinion about all aspects of the game. Here is my opinion on several points.

1. I agree with the idea that maybe it lacks some background music or some sound effect to give more depth to the game. 

2. As for the text on the screen, I would opt for a color that stands out more, since the colors and the brightness that the game has, in some points the text does not stand out too much.

3. As far as difficulty is concerned, it is true that you can die at the beginning for not understanding how it works, but it is understood quickly and easily. The controls are simple and the gameplay does not require you to be "Faker".

4. I have been able to talk to the developer about the themes that the game deals with, and I think that correcting what I have said, the game would be a good example of those themes.