Movement is very frustrating, rotating so the player's legs are off the wall probably shouldn't make them stop sticking to the wall
Recent community posts
You should probably auto-transport players to the Kitchen when a challenge is started, I didn't realize I was in the Box-less Factory and thought the object spawn rates just inexplicably got massively nerfed haha
When disks but not mouses have been unlocked, pressing 8 brings up the disk shop, but when mouses are unlocked, 8 brings up the mouse menu
Also, is there any way to exit challenges? I got stuck on Challenge 3 and had to re-enter and complete Challenge 1 just to get back to normal gameplay and grind more hammers
Hitting a timewall grinding Hammers to start getting the multiplicative Fragments / Shards upgrades (~e10 Hammers). I can make pretty good headway into the Barrel upgrades but getting the bonus hammer gain upgrades in the Box Fragments menu is kind of a slog. Am I doing something wrong, or is everyone facing this timewall?
Am I missing something here? I have no idea what to do or what is happening from a gameplay perspective. Am I supposed to make patterns with the light blue blocks? Am I earning currency? Since nobody else seems to have questions like these, I'll just conclude that I'm a dumbass, but it might be worth explaining what's going on for the benefit of less tech-savvy players
Edit: it took me way too long to realize arranging the blocks at the top of the visualizer was speeding up operations. A hint alluding to this could be given with the other instructions in the cmd prompt.
Could do with a little more clarity on what each stat does. Sure, the bread-related terms are cute, but apart from Freshness I don't know what anything else does or what it means if I upgrade it.
The stats needed to unlock each form / weapon also need to be explained. At first I thought they unlock as long as your stats are higher than the requisite ones, but when only Crouton and I.C. Sandwich were left, I started to think I only unlocked the others by accident.
Not a bad game so far!
Edit: I unlocked the last two by trying to get as close as possible to the requirements. It seems there's a bit of leeway and you don't have to match them exactly, but it could still be clearer.
Hi Rob, love all your stuff, been following you from the Literotica and GayAuthors days. There seems to be a crash along Doc's route in this version, just before the first choice menu after starting his route. For reference, the prior line was "Of course. You're welcome to ask me anything you'd like." by Doc.