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A member registered Dec 27, 2017

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Ugh I feel like you've perfectly described why I got so annoyed during the Enix route. I hated how everything after episode 8 went. Their behaviour was honestly infuriating. I wanted to shout at my screen, haha. It doesn't matter if everyone else thinks Enix would be a great doctor, he already told MC/Luna that he doesn't want to be, and he wasn't happy like that. What more is there to say?! Jeez.

It did feel like drama for the sake of drama, and I hated that everyone was so nice to Isla, when she's the reason they got stuck in this situation anyway. Both times, it was her and her rotten character. 

I'm glad his wasn't the first route I tried because I might've not played other routes due to frustration with the writing!

Also, give Florian's route a try at least! I had my doubts about it as well but I thought it was super sweet and didn't have the same writing problems. 

Thanks! This is a great track :-)