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Rafif Kalantan

A member registered Sep 01, 2019 · View creator page →

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Hello Kai,

I'm trying to use this shader as well, but I keep getting the horrible magenta "missing" color on my text instead.

I was wondering if this only works on the default render pipeline, or if it might be a different issue you might have come across?

Thank you!

We originally had a 3D artist to create the main character, but unfortunately he got sick so we had to work with the next best thing.

Hopefully when we update it it'll be better!

Thank you! We appreciate the helpful notes.

Thank you!

كان هناك مشاكل في التصميم، ولم يكن هناك وقت كافي لتحسينها بالشكل المناسب.

There are some design flaws, I'm afraid.

Good thing it is only one level then!

Thank you! Yes, we have some problems with the placing of the platforms, best suggestion is when you get on the third platform to slow down, get back to the beginning of the platform, and move then jump a little after the middle of the platform.