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A member registered Feb 25, 2023 · View creator page →

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Hey I really liked it and used it as bgm for my first ever visual novel and just wanted to regard your cool work!

(1 edit)

Really enjoyed the game and the artstyle! The plot was funny, only found 3 endings as of right now (guessing there may be at least 4 or more than these since the synopses says "survive the night... if you can") problem is that even though I start a new game I still have my items and the I threw the van to the pit so idk if I need to reload the page for them to go away or I just can't get the ending where I die since I got the others first.

Overall really enjoy the art of the game, the spookyness wasn't much but it was subtile and it did get me a bit nervous on the first time like "work fast or u might get killed!" the sfx are really nice too, love all the objects you're given and how you work with them and the game was really fun to play!

(Edit: got the ending that the character dies, damn the difference taking that thing stopping the car does really nice detail that could be missed if not careful)

Really simple but effective, managed me to get scared even though I did see it coming.

Short but fun, really liked the whole ambient you got here and really enjoyed the more simplistic design on the art (reminded me a bit of fnaf minigames, probably due to the screen effect with the lines? idk but I like it) and it really fitted the theme "It was always there"

Was able to kill 45 zombies! Really nice game and art, really made me interested to play!

Just felt a little bit weird that I could do a 360º and have to look at all those places but may be just me lol, but it also made me be like "Where are the zombies?", so it's probably a nice feature xD

Also when clicking running game it didn't open a separated window and instead was just the small game so I had to zoom in my browser to play i.