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A member registered 63 days ago

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(1 edit)

after the update, making my own little gameplay/combat suggestions that Raliv will see but not prioritize ( ´・・)ノ(._.`) (lets hope for 0.4)

- character hip/mouth adjusting mid-sex so my poor dick stops breaking in their mouths/rears 

- option for spells to be in Spell books you find and not just enchantments. if I have 3 weapon slots but 1 weapon is better, what's the point of having 3 besides cosmetics?

-offhand/2-handed weapons (another use for the 3 weapon slots, you tellin me i have 2 hands and only 1 can swing?) (saw someone else mention SHIELDS too)

-fire damage overtime nerf (i beg, armor doesnt matter with fire at all, i notice no change between full armor and naked).

-guaranteed disenchanter/shop on maps. personally HATE keeping equipment with good enchants / stats forever while i gamble on finding a disenchanter.

-scaling spell damage (mage builds, like armor value on enchantments and damage numbers on spell books)

-abilities / skills? (im reaching) whirlwind melee attack, ice skating, explosion jumping, perfect dodging, critical hits, double jumping, whatever.

I know its game with 75% sexual, 25% adventure focus, but you can have a really fun game here with this baseplate release. I look forward to how you develop the combat aspects in the future, even if my suggestions don't make it. Thanks for your effort.         

(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭❤~