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RabbitHole Productions

A member registered 58 days ago · View creator page →

Recent community posts

WOW! Captured the N64 style legitimately to a T. Wonderful charming character design (even the freaky ones)! Left me wanting to experience more and hopefully one day we will finally reach the fabled Lap 2. Looking forward to seeing what this game (and you) have in store for us in the future! Yours, and nobody else's...

-The RabbitHole

(P.s. We're taking your rabbit. He's ours now. Our little freak. No take-backsies. 😈)

Pretty dang good for a first game! Sound design was dope, and it was spooky for how short it was! Could use more optimization as well as the chance to play windowed, but a valiant first game nonetheless! I was able to get on the table, and that was dope! Keep on going, we believe in you!

-The RabbitHole

(Ps. Can we drink the water next time? Pretty Please? Ha. Ha.)

A uniquely fun world with wonderful pets and one good coworker. I know I can speak for all of us, when I say we would happily die for Martha and her cat. 10/10, would happily kill Alan without a second thought again. All the best...

-The RabbitHole

(P.s. I hope Milton was okay!)

Incredible style, funky faces, and so immersive of a world using just black and white! Impeccable utilization of the nonsensical to make sense and meaning. Great use of comedy interspersed within the more horror-adjacent elements. Can't wait to play more, and hopefully not die this time! With love, as always...

-The RabbitHole :)