I found a bug at Pewter City with the guy that walks with you to the gym. If you trigger his dialogue by stepping below him and accept, the walk is fine till reaching the gym corner, then Ash try to keep moving but the guy blocks de way and the game softlocks, as Ash's movement can't be completed
Rabbit Bit Games
A member registered Sep 18, 2022 · View creator page →
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¡Eres el encargado de una nave y un trabajador se ha vuelto loco por el estrés! ¡Evita que los demás se contagien!
A girl with an over-powered radio searching for her missing father
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(NOT) Pokemon: Misty Orange DEMO comments · Replied to kwatar in (NOT) Pokemon: Misty Orange DEMO comments
Oh ho ho i sure had a fun time! Reached the end of the demo and can only say BRAVO! I didn't expect it to be this long, and it's clearly made with tons of love. It has so much content for a demo. Just can't wait for the final release!
PS: God my chest hurts, the Lightyear part was too much i had to take a break XD
(Mario) The Music Box Remastered Edition comments · Posted in (Mario) The Music Box Remastered Edition comments