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A member registered Mar 13, 2023

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Chiming in to note that the .icns icon on the Mac build is corrupted.

It’s an i5-7300U, from a Thinkpad T470. It draws like 3-4W idle.

(2 edits)

After the video call scene starts my laptop begins drawing 23 WATTS of power???? I’m pretty sure that’s not supposed to happen in a visual novel, out of all things. Like, my CPU was at 20% usage but at 75C temperature. Could be something with animation optimization. Just noting, sorry if that sounds rude.

Get all the break time you need though, because I love the game’s artstyle so far. <3

oh, that’s a goooood one.

absolutely love the audiovisuals on this, the white noise, the footsteps, the movement of the character sprites, their expressions, ahhhh!!! and the cliffhanger at the end!! love it, bonus points for the gay fluff and stuff. love that too.

10/10, definitely looking forward to the full update.

absolutely beautiful, thank you so much. in love with the way you have to retype your name all throughout the story, to get rid of that “is this really it?” anxiety and stress and doubts and everything of the sort, this is a great concept to use for a short vn, executed really well. as somebody who recently discovered that i feel non-binary and actually have a thought of changing my name later down the road - thank you.