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A member registered May 01, 2022

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By the way, the itch app can't allow me to download the game. It says that it cannot read the build of the undefined location. I'm not experienced in that, so hopefully that helps you (If it is an issue with the game itself) or the issue can be reported.

Came from another game after realizing that the same person who made Jimmy the ghost also made this. I played this ages ago when I didn't have an account and it was the first game off Itch I played. Now with my return, Jimmy's game is one of my first with an actual account.

Too bad this game is the only way I can enjoy gluten now that I'm confirmed to have celiac. It really scratches that "I miss bread" itch.

Pretty cute for a short game. The text transition onto the text boxes can make it a bit difficult to read, though.