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A member registered Feb 21, 2022

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It may seem like I'm obsessed with this game, so let me make sure we're all clear and understand that I am absolutely obsessed with.

This'll be my last comment as I don't want to keep bombarding the comments of this game. It's nothing to do with me. However, I just wanted to give this game something of Happy Birthday, as it was released exactly one year ago today!

NomnomNami, you have created something incredible here. And over the last week, I've been playing as much of your games as I can. I hope that despite everything, you know how much your games mean to so many people. And in the future, never feel like we expect a constant release of games with no substance. We only expect games that are filled with love and passion from someone who truly wants to tell stories and create games.
You are amazing!!

Happy Birthday Starry Flowers!!! Super excited to see these two gay boys being gay again in some gay capacity!!

~ Much gay from me!

I loved it! I loved it I loved it I LOVED IT!!

So sweet, so cute, and so amazing. As much as the Bad Ending was pretty sad that Haru couldn't enjoy herself, I have to admit that the Normal Ending literally broke my heart when I read Manami's text to Haru... she wanted to go to the Hot Springs but SHE COMPLETELY CHANGED HER PLANS SO SHE COULD SPEND HER BIRTHDAY WITH HER FRIEND!!!

Manami is heartbreakingly kind. I love this game! Absolutely great!

(1 edit)

I was looking for a few months for a short little visual novel that I could spend a couple nights playing... what I got instead was an amazingly endearing love story (which had me in tears by the end) that I can guarantee, I will never EVER forget.

I needed a distraction, and this game satisfied every part of what I needed. I need a love story. I needed cute dialogue. I needed two gay characters to make water start pouring from my eyes.

Everything about this had me completely overwhelmed with joy! Pastille Periwinkle are absolutely amazing characters, and the supporting cast are amazing. The perspectives. The writing. Don't even get me started on the art...

NonnomNami, when I tell you that you have created something incredible, do NOT let that undersell it. This game has absolutely hit me right where it needed it. And I absolutely applaud what you have made here. I'll be looking into more of your games in the future... but I admit I stayed up all night playing this... your fault. But do I regret it?

Not one bit.

Edit: yeah it's been like a week or something now i literally haven't stopped thinking about this game im not joking