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A member registered Dec 25, 2022

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(1 edit)

Thank you very much for the quick and informative answer , i wish the dynamic resolution could be disabled becuase it's really dumb in the way it works , or the devs might have activated it becuase they didn't want to optimize the new graphics for quest 3 , by default the resolution can get as low as 1180 on the metric tool which is really blurry , with optimizer set at 213% , the lowest it goes is 2500 according to the metric tool . At least qgo is helping with the issue or i wouldn't be able to tolerate the low resolution so thanks for the app really.

One last question , what's the point of the square option beside the resolution bar , doesn't 1680×1680 (square) deliver the same resolution as 1603×1760 since they both equal approximately 2822000 pixels , is the square option more sharp in the center of screen by any chance ? 

Also i was talking about the cpu not the gpu , but i suppose it's the same answer - setting it to max won't harm it even long term . All clear

Thank you very much 

(2 edits)

Hi I'm a quest 3 user who has been using qgo for more than a year, so I'm playing a new game which is in beta test currently , so the thing is when the game was in alpha test , i used to put the resolution to 140% and it would look amazing , but in the beta even if i put the resolution to 213% it doesn't look as good as alpha at 140% , I've noticed with the metric tool that the resolution changes depending on what I'm doing (looking at ground vs shooting gun) so i think the game developers added dynamic resolution. So my first question is , if i set the resolution to 213% does that mean that the game will choose the highest possible resolution that doesn't affect frequency ? Becuase the resolution is never fixed like i want it to be and usually it's lower than the selected resolution on qgo HOWEVER it's higher than the default resolution without qgo. So qgo works in increasing resolution but can't force a specific resolution that i want. The resolution always changes when playing the game . I hope I made this clear. I can test and show you numbers if you don't understand what i mean . Btw this is all with ultra gpu , max cpu level , default HZ (72) and very high foveated rendering.

Second question , is it really okay to put cpu at max level ? I know dynamic is enough for most games but i notice better performance with max cpu and i don't care about battery. I mean for long term health of cpu.

Third question , would it be possible to add a controller button rebinding using quest games optimizer since it has adb access ? In the quest settings in the disability section you can rebind some buttons but a button you can't remap is the button under the joystick (i mean when you press down on the joystick to jump or sprint) . A lot of gamers want to rebind this button and a lot of games don't let us do it neither does meta , i would pay money for this extra feature . 

A lot of questions sorry but i couldn't find answers on the subreddit and the original comment section on this app's main page on got deleted or moved here idk 

Btw thanks for thi awesome app , i referred so many contractors pro players to buy this app becuase it's amazing 

(1 edit)

Hello , I have been using this app for the last month and i love it ! I have been telling everybody about it . However i have a question , lately i have been getting some performance. Reduction while playing contractors vr on the HD+ profile with 27% resolution increase ,  is there anyway to increase the fps without decreasing the resolution ? I think the profile has cpu and gpu set on "high" , what would happen if i set them on very high or insane ? Would that increase the fps while keeping the same resolution or would it decrease it ? If yes then why set it on high instead of insane ? To decrease the load on the processor maybe , what negative effect would that have ? 

Another question , if i set the resolution to "square" , what does it do ? Since i have foveated rendering on very high , i wouldn't be able to see the edges very well anyways or does it reduce resolution in the center of the screen as well ? 

Thank you and i apologize for asking so many questions, i just wanted to clear them up ever since i got the app.