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Quazar Creachure

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yeah I would change the chord prob depending on the key of the current song.

Also no im not, I just enjoy music. I only know a bit of music terms cuz I used to play the piano

Yeah I like the style, and having quick respawns is good for a game like this.

And yeah the musical notes played combine really well when changing directions quickly. I said in an earlier comment but its a Eb Major 7th Chord, so Eb G Bb & D. 

Thanks for the feedback & playing!

Yeah there are multiple ways to beat the last level.

Glad you enjoyed! I had fun messing with the gravity mechanics & I think it turned out really fun to play.

It was really cool cuz the concept was really fun I might turn it into a game, already thinking of more concepts.

Thanks for the feedback & playing!

Thanks, I used an Eb Major 7th. so Eb G Bb & D, where each direction plays a note in that chord.

Thanks for the feedback & playing!

Please report any bugs you find here!

Totally fine, thanks for giving my game a chance even if its not ur style.

yeah glad ur liked the art & vibe, im more an artist first so I like comming up with the asthetic stuff to make it look good (tho having a very limited time makes it hard to draw detailed assets and im already a slow drawer. But ya'know Game Jam, so more makin a concept than a whole game)

Thanks for the feedback & playing!

(1 edit)

Yes yes! simple and fun is what im going for in a Game Jam. Really nice hearing that my little game is your favourite so far. ^-^

I dont really have any plans to update this game in its current form. I do like to keep Game Jam games "as is" which means not updating or fixing bugs. its a nice snapshot of my progress. As for the game type, I had a few more ideas but nothing too major, so very unlikey ill make it into a game.

Thanks for the feedback & playing!

Simple but fun is a good thing I want to go for in a game jam, glad that was the takeaway.

Glad you also liked the music too, Ive never really made music before the games I realeased (Tho my knowlege of playing the piano helped).

Thanks for the feedback & playing!

(3 edits)

Omf yeah I just realised when a new custumer walks in their sprite appears for a bit. I forgot to reset the animation so it plays at the begging -_-; oops... Well its kinda funny, ill keep it in since Id like to keep these Game Jam versions "as is"
You said "a few", do you mind listing off others if you can?, no worries if not.

Oh yeah also it wasnt intended to save either. In my mind youd have to reset but I just forgot to set the values to 0 when u restart. Tho now thinking about it I like how it saves, for convenience on sucha small game.

Insteresting how much stuff I miss when only having a short time to make a game from start to finish, I think its part of the fun.

Thanks for the feedback & playing!

Please report any bugs you find here!

hahaa yis!!! I did add Coyote Time! along with Buffer Jumps too!
I've dabbled in already making a few platformers (I have one indev rn) and I learned a bit from games like Hollow Knight & Celeste (especially Celeste its a very very very good game big reccomend, Hollow Knight too, but I cant have this comment just be me rambing about games... except my game >->) on how to make good feeling controls. Well in theory at least, still gotta make games to get good at it in practice.

Yeah the lights seems to be my greatest weakness so far, good notes for future projects.

Thanks for the feedback & playing!

Eeee! very glad you enjoyed.

I really did try to add as much as I could but with the time constrains I could only add so much and had to focus on whats importain, good notes for next Game Jams, to which im already in another one right now, so I'll be making plenty of little games & have some bigger games planned too.

I really like Nioe too. I designed her loosely based off the "rosy maple moth" but with pink & cyan & white instead of the standard pink & yellow.

Yesyes! Love adding little post-game stuff at the end. Figured it would fit being able too see everything as a fun little addition so ppl could see stuff they havent before and what not. Happy its being interacted with.

Thanks for the feedback & playing!

Oh yes yes! I love platformer games. but creating platformers was a whole different thing. ur the second comment to point out the difficulty curve which is good cuz I put in a bit of effort to make the levels not seem too boring and just right, mostly using what I call "the Formula". Mostly introducing somthing to the player where they can get used to it before ramping it up.

Yeah the casting & reeling mechanic was difficult to create, good notes for my future games!

Thanks for the feedback & playing!

(2 edits)

Was technically 8 since I submitted it on Saturday.

Yeah casting lights and reeling them was one of the most tricky things to create, and the wings do look the same as the cursor icon.

Thanks for the feedback & playing!

(1 edit)

Glad someone enjoyed the "full-bright" mode, Im a big fan of adding little fun post-game stuffs.

Yeah also a big fan of speedrunning, more watching than doin. didnt come across my mind that someone would wanna speedrun my little game.

Any posts relevant to the game goes here! (reviews, suggestions, questions)

Please report any bugs you find here!